Tuesday, July 1, 2014

July 1, 2014 Tuesday Canada Day.....O Canada

Pilates with Denise Austin today.  It is a lot of Pilates and some yoga. 

Matthew chapter 27 - The Crucifixion of Jesus.  This is a hard story to understand, if you have not been baptized into the faith.  The question is, "if he was God's son why did he die"?  It  takes faith to understand the answer, but it is important to get it.  If you still think that this life in this place is the most important thing, you haven't got it yet.

On this day:
1976 - If you have or work now for a company and you do month end, you know the 1rst of the month is THE day.  If you are going on vacation everything must be done first.  I worked for two different companies, 50 years, with this scenario.  On this year, Pete and I were leaving for the long weekend in Put-In-Bay, Ohio.  Now that is an incentive!  Great place to go!  look into it.
The first Sony Walkman goes on sale, 1979 Think of where this has gone now.  I thought the transistor radio was the coolest.

Parenting/pets - I am a prisoner in my own home.  I can't sit in the living room and have coffee or read the paper or watch TV.  My home belongs to the shortest in the house, the cat.  If I don't comply he bites me.  I know what a lot of you would say, but can I get any positive suggestions?  (New scar on leg today)

Book Club - worked yesterday so I will probably finish Animal Farm by George Orwell today.

Bucharest Romania -We have moved!  This is our destination for the month of July!  I am sure you will enjoy the sights, history, food and culture of this interesting place.  I am getting a room at the hotel Christina for the stay, it looks like a great place!  Check out some of the accommodations' and see where you would stay on a vacation here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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