Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 1, 2015 New Years Day!

Take the day off or get a good start on that new exercise program you decided to do.  Whether you go to the gym, join a Pilates or Yoga class, pump up your walking - this is the time we all get started.  What are your plans for being healthy this year?

2 Timothy chapter 3 This is about choosing which way you will go.  Will you pick the road of self involvement and your own pleasure or will you realize that path hasn't made you happy in the past.  The study writer posted this "The powers of evil around you are no match for the power of Jesus with in you."  This year pick faith and peace for yourself.  Happy New Year.

On this day;
1980 - New years day.  I had been up at Gaylord at my Mom's house for the holidays with my brother Mark.  We packed up the car and headed home and just south of Gaylord there was a guy on the side of the road running naked.  A streaker.  All  I could think of was bad season for this activity - it was cold!  He was waving and laughing, I hope he got help.

0404 - The last gladiator competition was held in Rome. I don't know about you but I'm glad that this and streaking have gone out of style.

Parenting - This year I hope that Parents re-evaluate their parenting skills, put raising faithful, well educated and well adjusted children at the top of their resolutions for the year.  It could start a world wide step in the right direction.

Ha Bhuton -  You will love it here (I think)  lets find out


Bhutan Tourism Map

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Danny B and Devon!               
Bhutan Tourism Map
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Free Picture > Travel Bhutan - Asia travel
As a tourism academic you must get to travel to some exotic locations ...
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Bhutan Tourism and its growth
Bhutan Travel Information                                         

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