Monday, January 30, 2017

January 30, 2017 Monday #stayhelathy#keepfaithful#sewing#

Get Fit
I worked out with Jillian this morning.  I won't be working out for a while so I'm trying to get as fit as I can now.  I hope to be pleasantly surprised at the outcome.  Truth is I have a spot on my lung that they believe is cancer and are going into the lung surgically tomorrow to remove it.  If you smoke - stop now.  Take care of your health.

Get Faith 
John 16:12-13  "I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear.  But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth."  Life can be hard.  I try to concentrate on the good in my life, which is much more than the bad but, occasionally there are days, like tomorrow when it is tough to bear.  We need to remember that despite the downfalls we can be lifted up by the Spirit and held up in our faith.  Take care of your faith.

On this day:
1992  I had worked on this day and Mom had picked up Nicole from school and brought her home.  After dinner while watching TV I was working on cross stitching a baby quilt and Nicole, who was 7 at the time wanted to cross stitch too.  I gave her a matching pillow case to work on.  She also liked when Grandma knitted and has tried that off and on over the years.  It is a relaxing thing to have for a habit.  Our children watch what we do and imitate our actions.  What are you showing your children?

1649 - England's King Charles I was beheaded. Some days it is not good to be king.

Wad Medani Sudan to Ystad Sweden
We are moving today, and I'm not to unhappy to be leaving Sudan.  I can only hope and pray that this country will have a change of power, politics, and faith to sustain their country in a more peaceful and fulfilling life style.  We move on to a colder climate but certainly more peaceful place.

Ystad (Swedish pronunciation: [ˈyːsta]) is a town, and the seat of Ystad MunicipalitySkåne CountySweden, with 18,350 inhabitants in 2010.[1]The settlement dates back to the 11th century and the town has become a busy ferryport, local administrative centre and tourist attraction. It is associated with the fictional detective Kurt Wallander whose stories, by Henning Mankell, are set primarily in Ystad and nearby communities.
Main square with town hall Great place to recuperate!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday John M.

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