Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1, 2014 Sunday

A day of rest.

And prayer.  The sermon was about prayer and the Ascension of our Lord which was celebrated last Thursday.  As pastor said, they do tie in, now we have our ascended Lord in heaven to intercede on our behalf to God our Father.  God does hear and answer prayer, sometimes the answer is no, but pray on.

On this day:
1986 - We took the shoestring out.  That was an old wood boat in perfect condition, an open skiff maybe 26', beautiful.  Nicole was only a year old and Aaron was 8.  We packed up went to the marina where Andy and Alice were waiting for us.  We set out across Lake St Clair to Harson's Island on a beautiful cruise on a beautiful day.  It is Michigan.  Later on the temperature dropped 30 degrees.  We fortunately had friends there with a larger cabin cruiser so Alice the kids and I came back with them, while Andy and Mark had to brave the cold and waves on their own.  I hope your boating weather is better then that today, but be prepared!
1978 - The U.S. reported the finding of wiretaps in the American embassy in Moscow. Some things have not changed (like the weather).

Parenting - I wonder how that Mom felt this morning.  Her 3 year old went up for children's time at church and when Pastor paused a moment he asked if he could ask a question.  "Sure" Pastor said, unknowingly.  This kid sounded like he had a mic on, and proceeded to rant on about super hero movies for 3 or 4 minutes, while the congregation laughed out loud.  When you tell a three year old about someone ascending into the sky, you had better be prepared for the answer.

Book Club -  Ok Looking for a new book,  I hear Americana is good, anyone any suggestions?

Travel to Abidjan Cote D Ivoire:
Here we are, now to find our hotel!

Enjoy the Day!!!!  Make it memorable!  (in a good way)

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