Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 28, 2015 Saturday

I need to do more yoga.  Instead of the relaxing AM yoga I did the PM yoga this morning.  It is much more YOGA then I have been doing.  Going to work on it.  Find a class.  If you are looking for a yoga instructor, my "other" daughter Rachelle is starting to teach and she is great!!!!  Ask me.

Ephesians chapter 4:7 - You are saved by the Grace of God whether you want to be or not.  Christ died for all of our sins - you cannot change or eliminate that.  So in knowing that, we let God know that we are truly sorry for the continuous sins we commit (and we all do) or things we should do and don't (being kind and loving one another) because His position of Grace never changes.  He loves you.

On this day;
1981 My friend Tatjiana brought her friend Peter over for me to help with his resume.  They were Russian/German and he was a correspondent.  He was a younger German man that had Parkinson's disease, that she had move in with her after Pete's dad died.  I guess they thought I could help with the English part of the work.  Tatjiana was my friend Pete's mom and remained my friend till she died.  I was her "other" daughter.

Parenting - I remained on friendly terms with all of my exes parents.  It is hard to do through separations of any kind with a mate, but to have to sign off on adopted parents or siblings is another story.  Anybody else had this problem?  "I'm done with you, but keeping your family."

Excerpt - Come Get these Memories - of the sixties-

             Among My Souvenirs by Connie Francis
           The life expectancy In February of 1960 was 69.7 years old, but I had just turned 13 and like every teenager, was hooked on rock and roll and thought I was immortal.  We were all about the music since the 50’s when rock and roll started.   I had already been exposed to Bill Haley and the Comets and Elvis.  I loved it all, especially Chuck Berry.  When Maybelline hit the radio in 1955 (much to my mother’s dismay) I knew all the words and could sing it as fast as he did.  I had every album he recorded by the early 60’s.  Whether it was country, rock, or movie music, it shaped our lives, set our moods and twanged our personalities, and at 13, I was on the cutting edge.
Iwate Japan to Juneau Alaska!
Lets come home to our own country for a while.  Can't be any colder there then is is here!  Happy traveling!
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Clint!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26, 2015 Thursday

Richard and I did some resistance band arms and legs workout.  I just went to the chiropractor for a neck adjustment, but find that "resting" isn't an option for me.  I need to keep using those muscles.

Ephesians chapter 4:1-3 This is about trying harder to live in peace with one another.  We often cannot even agree with other Christians, but the Spirit tries to impart that strength to us to live in unity with everyone - not just Christians.  Pray to live in peace.

On this day:
1980 - I got a call from Richard in Trinidad.  This started a firestorm of warnings from friends and family. "He is looking for a way to get into the country! You don't know what kind of person he is! etc."  I met Richard on the train going into Toronto in January.  He was extremely good looking and smooth talking, but alas I did not pursue a relationship with him. I could have been living in Trinidad right now, instead of this winter wasteland.
1907 - The U.S. Congress raised their own pay to $7500.   I really feel like these jobs should be equal in pay to any other government employee - as in the armed forces.  How about non pay/ just service to your country - not a get rich quick scheme as it is.

Parenting - This is turning into a reverse case of parenting.  Mom is still in the rehab nursing home.  We are in that situation of wondering whether she will be well enough to come home.  As Nicole and I left yesterday she said "Don't forget where you left me".  Sniff. We have been there everyday.

Come and Get These Memories - of the Sixties. (excerpt)

     Wild One by Bobby Rydel, that’s who Jean turned into. Or maybe Devil or Angel by Bobby Vee, you decide.     It was a great time to be a teenager!
Iwate Japan - Just a couple days- how about shopping?


These would make some good souveniers!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25, 2015 Wednesday

Pilates with Denise Austin.  Guess I do a lot of Pilates.  She does a lot of these standing up thought and that is getting a balance workout as well.

Ephesians chapter 1:22-23  As Christ has been filled with all things for here and heaven by His Father, we too should be filled with love and care for one another.  Let yourself be filled with love for our awesome Father in heaven this Lenten season and let the excess spill out to all those you see.

On this day;
1978 - The bad thing about a journal is, as I get older more of the posts are of people no longer around.  So if I tell you - you won't be forgotten, ever, well you won't.  But on this day, an old friend of mine Jerry called and said he was going to go check his boat and go to dinner at Johnson's, did I want to come.  He stored his very large boat in a heated covered well, so it was a place you could have a drink before dinner, which we did.  If you are an eastsider, and of age, you MUST remember Johnson's.  It was a dinky little place on N. River Road that you could hardly ever get in, the food was so good.  We put in the reservation, went and checked the boat, had a drink and got back in time to be seated for dinner.  Who remembers that place?  Kay does, I know.

1948 - Communists seized power in Czechoslovakia. Now this makes sense to me.  My brother applied for the secret service in the late 60's and was denied because my mother was writing to a cousin in Czechoslovakia.  It was considered "behind" the iron curtain.

Parenting - Closed due to the cold (brain freeze).

Come and Get These Memories - exerpt:

  The upcoming 60’s decade brought changes to most of what we believed about family, religion, business and politics.  As personal freedom expanded marriage took a serious hit.  The sexual revolution and the new drug culture made young people shrink from the possibility that someone was watching them, always, so church lost popularity.  The economy expanded as people bought more cars and stuff that needed a second income to support.  Women picked up part time and even full time work and then, to the thrill of business, had more to spend in the stores.  Politics?  We elected the youngest, (inexperienced?) Catholic guy we could find and then headed through the 60’s with assassination, up risings, sit-ins and war.  It affected me and my family as I am sure it affected you. 
Iwate Japan -  last few days here, what else can we find?

Japan issued a tsunami advisory Tuesday morning following a 6.9-magnitude earthquake in northern Japan, the meteorological agency said  Looks like we were here for this.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Anniversary Andy and Alice!  Wow 31 years!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 24, 2015 Tuesday

Denise and I worked on the Abs this morning.  Sit ups, crunches,  Just do what you can.  Warm up your back first with some stretches though.

Ephesians 1: 20-21 The study writer in Ponder includes this -  The Mystery of Christ shines from one end of creation to the other, the whole shooting match is already lit up everywhere....The church doesn't have to (get)... people... wired in Jesus.  It just has to bring them the hilariously Good News that if only they will trust Jesus and open their eyes the darkness will be gone. - Robert Farrar Capon, The Mystery of Christ.  Better than what I could have said.

On this day: 
1968 - My future husband and I went to the drive-in with our friends, Ron and Gail.  In my car, which was a 1963 Corvair, convertible.  Not very roomy.  We saw the movie Bonnie and Clyde.  I just keep thinking of Ron, who was over 6' in that back seat. Eh, we were young.

1956 - The city of Cleveland invoked a 1931 law that barred people under the age of 18 from dancing in public without an adult guardian. WHAT?

Parenting - Dancing was my life as a teenager.  My mom showed me how to Waltz, Polka, and swing, I learned calypso from watching tv and the cha cha.  We learned the stroll, the twist and here in Detroit the Social.  I can't imagine the uproar they must have been faced with.  Nicole and her friends have their style and I watched the group of camp couselors dance at a wedding and loved the joy they found in it.  Again I say; WHAT?

Come get these Memories-

CHAPTER ONE  1960  Why by Frankie Avalon
          I think it is important for all of us to know that this decade started out with Emily Post dying.  This is probably what killed her.  We embraced bad attitudes, terrible behaviors, horrible fashion and the music.  What more can I say?  Who else could we blame?  Poor Emily.   Where could you go from a background of Lady and the Tramp in the 1950’s to Psycho in 1960?   We went from Harriet  Nelson on TV to “what kind of mother raised Norman”?    There were guys like Elvis singing songs like It’s Now or Never that might have started the sexual revolution.  John Kennedy and the whole Camelot thing were a big boost to the younger set, and they did get into office and made huge history.  Jackie got Emily Post right, but the rest of us?  Not so much.  We wanted women’s rights, racial equality and to be ourselves, whoever that was.  Not who Emily told us to be.

Iwate Japan -
Capital of Noodles, Morioka 盛岡
The taste and the type of noodles vary in each place or city but the residents who consume the most amount of noodles is Morioka City. Ramen noodle is very popular but Morioka has the famoust "Wanko Soba" made from buckwheat. "Morioka Remen" is based on the cold noodles that orinate in Korean Peninsula. Jajamen noodles has the roots in China. The Moriokans (how we call the local people in Morioka) are keen to find the best tasting noodles of any kind. All the type of noodles are scattered in the city and each restaurant takes pride with their own recipe and serve them in affordable pricings.
three major kinds (Morioka Remen, Wanko soba and Jajamen)
source :

Nanbutestu 南部鉄 iron teapots and other items
. . . CLICK here for Photos !  Info and a place for souveniers! 

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Eddie!

Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23, 2015 Monday

Still glad I don't do this one in a class with people watching.  Kick boxing - not for the weak of heart.  Well maybe the way I do it. 

Genesis - Our Bible study group is talking about this book right now.  It is really jam packed with history and stories, a lot of which I know, but have forgotten.  Do you know what the Nephilim are?  Good reading and studying.

On this day;
2007 - I was the youth director at church.  We were doing the 30 Hour Famine and decided to go and play Lazer Tag on Friday night, while they still had some strength from not eating.  There were 30 kids that went to play tag, but only 20 that stayed for the lock in.  I loved Lazar Tag.

1954 - The first mass vaccination of children against polio began in Pittsburgh, PA. Why wouldn't you vaccinate your child against diseases?

Parenting - I remember, as a child the horror stories of children trapped in iron lungs for long periods of time because polio had made them paralyzed, so they couldn't breathe.  Back in the 50's many kids had braces etc, because of this disease.  My brother had a mild case in his neck.  The polio vaccine was looked at as a great life saver.  I'm having a hard time understanding why some children have not had the MMR vaccine that my kids had?  What are the side effects, guess I should look it up.

Here is another section of my book I am working on:

     It does seem to have a lot to do with the music, either we picked it by our favorites or it shaped us with its sound and lyrics.  It confirmed who we thought we were.  I can still hear the music.  It is like having a diary on a jukebox in my head.
Iwate Japan - Politics:

A chat with Masataka Miya of the Iwate Government

Amanda Wayama | 22 January 2015

Masataka Miya, director of ILC Promotion for Iwate, Japan, talks about the prefecture’s plans for the ILC.
Things are moving forward in the year 2015 – technical planning for the ILC is proceeding, and the Japanese national government is preparing to make a decision whether or not to host the project. But what about Iwate, the region home to the Kitakami candidate site? What are their plans for 2015? Masataka Miya, director of ILC Promotion for Iwate, kindly agreed to sit down and talk about Iwate’s strategy for the next year.
Iwate is a lot more rural than the international cities of Tokyo or Osaka. What is the government doing to prepare for a possible influx of foreign residents? “We are making an online guide for living in the area, and there are deliberations at the prefectural and municipal level on changes to be made to the education and health care system,” said Miya.  “We are also jointly researching with Iwate Prefectural University (IPU) on what kind of human resources we need and how to train those human resources.” Another ILC link: IPU also has the honour of welcoming new president Atsuto Suzuki, director general of KEK!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kris!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

February 21, 2015 Saturday

Plain and Simple stretch.  It is so important to keep limber, especially as we get older.  This is about a 45 minute stretch that really leaves you feeling relaxed.  Very much like yoga - stretch and hold.

Ephesians - Chapter 1:13-14 - This Lenten study is taking us right through Ephesians.  A book of love and praise.  If you hear The Word and believe it you are blessed with the Holy Spirit, the wonderful part of God that dwells within us, (as I understand it).  Pull out that Bible and read these passages as we go along through this time of self examination.

On this day;
2002 - Betty was a great benefactor of our church and not someone Nicole and I would normally hang with, but she liked us.  We went to lunch with her a few times, on this day she took us to Lochmoor, not our usual stomping grounds.  Betty is gone now but we will always remember her friendship.  I believe she came to Nicole's graduation party as well. Right Nicole?

1904 - The National Ski Association was formed in Ishpeming, MI. Good piece of trivia to remember for those times in the hot tub after skiing.

Parenting - Thanks to all of you that supported Nicole, once again, for the 30 Hour Famine.  I have to say over the years, the number of children that die each day of hunger has dropped, because of this and all over organizations that have worked to feed them.  On the downside the number of children that live in poverty in Detroit has increased.  We need to concentrate on that.

Forward from my book- Come Get These Memories-of the sixties.
  We   all wonder what the purpose is that we were put on this earth.  Was it to achieve some great life changing event, discovery or invention?    Maybe it is a moment in time to assassinate an evil entity that has caused horrible terror and pain to people.  Perhaps to live a life that set a great example for those of us to follow.  Most of us aren’t sure of what it is we are supposed to be doing.  It’s hard to imagine that some of us are just “fluff”, minor agents in the really important stuff of life.  Maybe, we had a “walk through” part that slightly influenced one of the “major” agents at work in the world.  I always believed that there was some important role I was supposed to be playing, nothing earth shattering or even newsworthy, but possibly very important to people that my life touched.  Now that I’m older, I’m even  more sure of this.  Which leaves me wondering why some things happened to me in my life - a grand plan or just incidental? Only God knows, which brings up a lot of other “purpose” questions. 

Iwate Japan -
I hope this works!  it is a great video on Iwate Japan, in English.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Friday, February 20, 2015

February 20, 2015 Friday

Disco with Richard.  Dancing is great exercise.  Don and I take ballroom dancing on Wednesday night at a local grade school.  I think it is our 3rd time taking the same class but, it is cheap and a great dance floor.  There are square dance lessons and line dance lessons and of course Zumba, also available.  Just look on line for your city adult classes or watch the paper for ads.  When you are having fun you forget you are exercising. 

Ephesians chapter 1:11-12  Do you enjoy God?  Well you should according to the study today.  You should enjoy the fact that He has given you your life and everything in it, and that He is always with you, to eternity, and that He takes joy in you and all you are.

On this day;
2004 - Life is always plus/minus or good/bad any of those opposites.  On this day about my nieces, Lindsey passed a test that she was very concerned about and Merri had to attend a funeral for two young Detroit city cops that had been killed on duty. Celebrate and mourn, that's life.

1673 - The first recorded wine auction took place in London. This, to me, is the biggest news of the day!

Parenting - I am reminded that I spent a lot of my OWN birthdays at Chuckie Cheese when the kids were small - it was just a better idea at the time.  NOW, I can go to places like the Dirty Dog Café with my adult friends - yum!

Iwate Japan - sightseeing!  lets go:

Take in the view from the Aso Caldera

This the world's largest active caldera and visits to the summit are frequently declared off limits due to toxic gas emissions. Don’t be put off, though; the 100,000-year-old caldera is geologically spectacular and the views from the top are superb.  Take a chance?  looks beautiful from here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Stephanie!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 19, 2015 Thursday

Did a little ballet.  I can balance on my toes!  (for half a second).

Ephesians chapter 1:7-10 - This reading reminding of the song they sang at camp "Open my eyes  - I want to see you".  Don't remember enough of the words.  The study writer says "Open our eyes to see eternity in every instant of loving unity...and praise you.  Amen."

On this day;
1999 - Nicole, Christine and I went to Disney World.  Who doesn't want to go there?  Ever since I watched Mickey Mouse and they showed the different "worlds" I always wanted to go on the tea cup ride.  Well, we went on a lot of rides and for my doing the Space Mountain and others - I made Nicole go on the tea cup ride with me. 

1999 - Dennis Franz received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I even remember who this guy was.  Amazing. Big news right?

Parenting - I can't help but wonder how people are dealing with their kids being out of school so much this year due to weather conditions.  Who stays home with the kids?  How do they catch up on all the lessons they miss, and how to keep them busy and out of mischief.  Must be quite a challenge.

Iwate Japan:
  • This looks like fun!

  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!    Happy Birthday Bob!

    February 18, 2015 Wednesday Ash Wednesday

    Pilates this morning - I'm beginning to see a pattern here.  Been low energy since they cut my HRT meds.  Trying a B12 for energy.  Adjustments must be made.

    Ephesians chapter 1:1-6 - "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love." On this day we return to God and away from our sin - in repentance and thanks to Him who gives us His all.

    On this day;
    1998 - Not sure if this is a day to remember or forget.  My boss took me to lunch the day before and then some friends joined us for bar hopping and I got real tanked, it was my birthday.  SO on this day I had to call in sick - I wonder if he learned his lesson?  Well I guess we both did, it was the last time I went out to lunch and bar hopping with him.  It really isn't a good idea to go drinking with your boss is it?

    1998 - In Nevada, two white separatists were arrested and accused of plotting a bacterial attack on subways in New York City Bet the bacteria wouldn't have effected me!

    Iwate Japan - What else can we find out?
    > Food of Iwate  > Iwate Beef  ( Maesawa Beef, etc. )

    Food of Iwate 

    Iwate Beef  ( Maesawa Beef, etc. ) 


    The most famous beef in Iwate is Maesawa Beef produced in the Maesawa area of Oshu City. It is said that the Matsusaka Beef in the West and the Maesawa Beef in the East are the best beef brands in Japan. The exquisitely marbled meat is so soft that it melts in your mouth. To ensure its quality, Maesawa Beef is only available at stores or restaurants which are designated as official distributors. The Maesawa Beef Festival, held on the first Sunday of June, is a great time to enjoy this high-end delicacy at a bargain price; over 30,000 visitors from in and out of Iwate flock to this event. To get beef at the festival, buy a beef-exchange ticket in advance. Another great Iwate Beef is Iwate Short-Horn Beef, which is lean and healthy.




    The cattle are raised on highland pastures, and in summer, many tourists enjoy the panorama of the relaxed cows, the lush green grass, and the blue sky. In Iwate, there area many restaurants where you can enjoy great Iwate Beef such as these, in various dishes such as steak, sukiyaki, and shabu-shabu.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

    Tuesday, February 17, 2015

    February 17, 2015 Tuesday My birthday!!!

    Tried to do some Pilates but the CD wouldn't work - so I did some boot camp instead.  Big difference. 

    1 Thessalonians 1:1-10  Thanksgiving for the Thessalonians Faith.  Best thing to do if your faith is failing is to hang with someone who's faith is strong.  "For we know, brothers and sisters loved by God, that he has chosen you,"  Hand picked and loved by God - I need to know that today.

    On this day;
    1987  - 28 years ago I was forty and I had an almost 2 year old.  Hard to think you are old when you have that going on everyday.  I still don't feel old. 

    1878 - In San Francisco, CA, the first large city telephone exchange opened. It had only 18 phones This is soo hard to imagine.  Take a guess how many phones are in San Franciso today?  lol

    Parenting - My mother finally thinks of me before her other children.  Now, when she is so confused with a UTI infection or dementia, now when she is in a nursing home and incapable of taking care of herself, now the first name she remembered all night (her room mate told me) was Nancy.  Careful what you wish for.

    Iwate Japan;  Love to be here to celebrate my birthday today!

    Result of Search

    Koiwai is a 3000-hectare  ( 7400-acre )  private farm located scenically at the base of Mt. Iwate. Koiwai is most famous for its dairy products and as a popular tourist destination, with about 750,000 visitors every year.
    Kitayamazaki Cliffs is one of the most impressive landscapes of the Rikuchu Coast, where 200-meter cliffs stretch across 8 km of coastline. In 1999, it received the highest rating in the "natural resource: coast" category of National Tourist Resource...
    Unosu Cliff, or “Cormorants' Nest Cliff,” is a 4-km stretch of sheer precipices that measure 200 meters in height. There is an observation deck, from which you can see 5 impressive rock walls jutting out into the sea in a row, a scenery that resemble...
    Jodogahama Beach, or “Pure Land Beach,” is one of the most famous places of scenic beauty on the Rikuchu Coast. The vivid contrast of the sharp, white rocks, green pines, and deep blue sea   Ok I pick the beach - in a chair, with a drink that has one of those little umbrella's.
    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Sunday, February 15, 2015

    February 15, 2015 Sunday

    Truly going to try and relax today.

    Mark chapter 9:14-27 - Jesus healed a boy that was possessed by an impure spirit.  The disciples couldn't, which implies that they could in other cases. (Jesus explains at the end that "This kind can come out only by prayer")  Another thing to think about is "impure spirit" implying there are different kinds and then just the fact that this story is based on "spirits".  It is a lot to think about. I often blame a demon for my impure thoughts.  I believe it has taken up residency in me for quite a while and although I have prayed to be rid of it - God leaves it here, maybe to keep me interesting.  How is your spirit today?

    On this day;
    1986 - My cousin Kay called to tell me that our Aunt Ella died.  Aunt Ella was the model that TV actresses were modeled after if it was a little middle aged British woman.  She was tiny, and busy, always baking a cake, which BTW was wonderful.  She put a crust in the bottom of a pie pan, smeared it with jelly and then poured a white cake mix in and baked it.  I believe there was a light glaze on the top.  She also invented the cure for hot flashes.  When her cheeks got pink she ran into the kitchen and stuck her face in the freezer. Oh, and if you went to dinner at a restaurant she would empty bread, butter and packets of sugar or whatever into her purse "so they don't go to waste".  I hope all of you had an Aunt or relative as memorable as she was.  RIP Aunt Ella.

    1903 - Morris and Rose Michtom, Russian immigrants, introduced the first teddy bear in America. Anybody get a teddy bear for Valentine's Day yesterday?  awwww

    Parenting - Just saying a little prayer today that all children living in this freezing cold area are being kept warm today.  Make sure you donate all unused coats, boots, hats and gloves to centers that collect them for children of all ages.  Pray with me.

    Iwate Japan;


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Jump to: navigation, search
    Konjikido at Chuson-ji.jpg
    Mountain nameKanzan
    VeneratedAmida Nyorai (Amitābha)
    Address202 Hiraizumi-Koromonoseki, Hiraizumi-chō, Nishiiwai-gun, Iwate Prefecture
    Chūson-ji (中尊寺?) is a Buddhist temple in Hiraizumi, Iwate Prefecture, Japan. It is the head temple of the Tendai sect in Tōhoku (northeastern Japan). The Tendai sect claims that the temple was founded in 850 by Ennin, the third chief abbot of the sect, but most scholars believe that Chūson-ji was founded by Fujiwara no Kiyohira in about 1100. There is no archaeological or historical record of Buddhist activity in this area before 1100.
    The Konjiki-dō (金色堂) or 'Golden Hall' is a mausoleum containing the mummified remains of the leaders of the Northern Fujiwara (奥州藤原氏 Ōshū Fujiwara-shi) clan who ruled much of northern Japan in the 12th century. It is one of two buildings that survive from the original Chūson-ji temple complex, the other being a sutra repository. The building is made of wood entirely covered with gold leaf decorated with imported mother-of-pearl. It was carefully rebuilt from 1962 to 1968 by a team of specialists. The building measures five-and-a-half meters on each side and is eight meters tall. The interior of the building contains three altars, one for each of the first three Fujiwara lords. Originally there were 33 sculptures inside the temple, eleven on each altar, but now one is missing. Each altar had a seated Amida surrounded by standing Kannon and Seishi, six Jizō and two Niten statues. One Niten figure is missing.
    The mummies were last examined in 1950. It is assumed that the mummy of Fujiwara no Kiyohira was placed under the central altar. Fujiwara no Motohira's remains were identified as he is known to have died of a cerebral hemorrhage. His mummy was found under the northwest altar. Fujiwara no Hidehira's remains were found under the southwest altar next to a casket containing the head of his son Fujiwara no Yasuhira who was beheaded in 1189.
    The Konjiki-dō formerly sat outdoors in the open air. In 1288 it was covered with a wooden structure to protect it from the elements. Today it sits behind thick acrylic glass within a concrete building (constructed in 1965) and is visible only from the front and sides. Shōgyo Ōba, a maki-e lacquer artist, helped to restore the interior lacquer work in 1964.[1]
    In June 2011, Chūson-ji was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as a part of the "Historic Monuments and Sites of Hiraizumi".   This is our tour spot for the day!  Enjoy!

    Enjoy the Day!   Make it memorable! 

    Saturday, February 14, 2015

    February 14, 2015 Saturday Happy Vanlentine's Day!

    Abs and arms today!  Get those weights out and do some curls, work those arms out so they don't flap and then do some sit ups.  You will love yourself for it, maybe not tomorrow if your arms are sore, but then do it again until it takes more repititions to make them sore.  You can do it!  If shoveling snow today in the arctic weather, be safe keep warm and bend your knees.  You can skip above but I wouldn't advise it.

    Mark chapter 12:28-34  Of course, what better to hear on St Valentine's day?  "Love your God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself".  Love the greatest gift of all. Find someone to cuddle with today if in the north - a nice dog or cat works.

    On this day;
    1985 - I got maternity pants and a maternity shirt from my husband Mark.  It was the best Valentine Gift I have ever received, because of obvious reasons.  Not to say I don't like chocolates or flowers - well chocolates more then flowers.  What was your favorite Valentine gift?  A ring maybe?  A vacation somewhere warm?  ummmm

    1983 - A 6-year-old boy became the first person to receive a heart and liver transplants in the same operation. Now this was a great gift! 

    Parenting - If you have had a child in a life threatening situation you know the feeling.  There isn't anything you wouldn't do to trade places or just make it go away.  Make sure you are an organ donor and you could give a gift of life to someone's child.

    Iwate Japan;  Natural Disaster!  Look at the list!
    In 839, a meteorite fell from the sky in Dewa Province causing a large number of peasants in the area of Fort Isawa to desert.
    On 13 July 869, a magnitude 8.6 earthquake and tsunami struck the coast of Iwate.
    On 14 November 1230, volcanic activity was reported.
    On 2 December 1611, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake and tsunami were reported to have killed over 3,000 horses and people.
    In 1662 Morioka and its suburbs were hit by a large flood leaving 1,000 dead.
    Volcanic activity was reported on Mt. Iwate on 23 March 1686 and 14 April 1687.
    On 13 May 1717, The Hanamaki area was struck with a magnitude 7.6 earthquake opening cracks in the ground everywhere. There was also widespread destruction of houses and shops.
    In Nanbu-han alone, 49,594 people starved to death in the famine of 1755.
    Severe famines continue from 1783 to 1787 and again from 1832 to 1838.
    Cholera outbreaks occurred in August 1879, in Miyako and Kuji.
    In July 1882, a cholera outbreak in Kamaishi left 302 dead and warnings about drinking water were posted throughout the prefecture.
    In April 1884, there was another outbreak of cholera in Kamaishi.
    In September 1886, cholera outbreaks throughout Iwate left 312 dead.
    On 15 June 1896, at 7:32 am, a magnitude 8.5 earthquake struck offshore. The ensuing tsunami sent waves onto the coast of Iwate at Yoshihama, in what is now Sanriku town, reaching 24 meters in height. 18,158 people died in Iwate alone while some 10,000 homes were destroyed. Fishermen fishing the ocean about 20 miles offshore felt nothing, then returning home the next morning found the shore littered with their homes and the bodies of their loved ones.
    In September 1899, dysentery spread throughout the prefecture killing 2,070 people.
    There was a widespread crop failure due to violent storms in September 1902. Only 32,900 tons of rice were produced in Iwate, just 30% of the previous year's harvest.
    In 1905, there was again a massive crop failure due to heavy rain and cold leading to famine in 1906. People were reduced to eating straw, acorns and roots.
    In 1919, Nishi-Iwate erupted.
    On 3 March 1933, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake struck offshore killing 3,008 people and destroying 7,479 homes. This is the fifth worst earthquake in Japan since 1923.
    Small explosions shook Mt. Iwate throughout 1934 and 1935.
    In August 1957, there was volcanic activity on Mt. Kurikoma.
    There was volcanic activity on Mt. Akita-Komagatake from September to December, 1970 with lava flows visible from Morioka.
    In 2003, earthquakes struck on 26 May (M7.0 off the coast of Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture), 25 July (three jolts of M5.5, 6.2 and 5.3 in southern Iwate) and 26 September (M8.3 in Hokkaido but strongly felt in Iwate).
    At 8:43 am on 14 June 2008, Iwate was struck by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. The epicenter was about 8 km underground in Ichinoseki City. Thirteen deaths were reported and massive landshifts occurred in Northern Miyagi and Southern Iwate.
    On Friday, 11 March 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake hit this area, triggering a large tsunami and extensive damage. The highest run up of water was measured at over 38 meters.[11] The disaster destroyed 9,672 of the prefecture's fishing vessels, damaged 108 of 111 ports, wiped out nearly all of the prefecture's fish processing centers, and caused ¥371.5 billion in damage to the prefecture's fishing industry.[12]  I can't help but wonder why people stay in this area!?  Tragic!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sue, Jacki, and Shane!

    Friday, February 13, 2015

    February 13, 2015 Friday Oh no are you superstious?

    Did a little warm up set with Kathy Smith. 

    Psalm 119:17-24  The law and the Word.  We know the law, the ten commandments and we try to abide by those laws.  Jesus came to save us from those times we fail and do our penance for us.  How thankful are we?  God is good.

    On this day;
    1983 - Last day in Florida with cousin Peggy, Aunt Margaret and Uncle Don.  It was especially nice having that time with my uncle, who was my dad's oldest brother and biggest fan.  He told me how smart and good hearted my dad was, they all loved him.  I was only 13 when he died so I never really knew him as an adult.  When I arrived in Detroit, there were Andy and Alice with a nice warm winter coat to pick me up.  I love my family.

    1920 - The National Negro Baseball League was organized. Too bad for the "white" ball teams, talk about cutting the greatest out of your talent pool!

    Parenting - Just read in the history of this day that a woman had 5 baby boys, the first time quintuplets were ever recorded.  Unfortunately, they all died within 2 weeks.  The odds are much better now for multiple births - even 8.  My cousins wife had eggs planted, so their two beautiful boys are not any kind of twins, but they are healthy and happy.  It was their one year old birthday yesterday.  They make the rest of us happy, just looking at them!

    Iwate Japan;


    The current population of Iwate as of 1 October 2007 is 1,363,702 consisting of 651,730 males and 711,972 females.
    The earliest census records date from 1907 when the population of Iwate stood at 770,406 with 389,490 males and 380,916 females. This is also the only census to record more males than females.
    In 1935, Iwate's population surpassed a million reaching 1,095,793.
    In 1985, the population of the prefecture reached its all-time high before or since at 1,433,611.
    The census of 1950 saw the most births in the prefecture with 45,968 reported. Since then there has been an almost steady decline to 10,344 births in 2007. The greatest number of deaths were reported in 1945 with a total of 32,614. The number of deaths declined steadily until 1980 when the fewest deaths were recorded, 9,892. Since then the number of deaths has increased gradually to 14,774 in 2007.
    Thanks to improvements in medicine the number of infants dying at birth has declined from a high of 4,246 in 1950 to just 332 in 2007.
    The number of marriages in the prefecture has also declined from a high of 13,055 in 1950 to an all-time low of 6,354 in 2007.  I noticed that the population is about twice what the city of Detroit is.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Reggie! 

    Thursday, February 12, 2015

    February12, 2015 Thursday

    Been a bad week, trying to keep up my exercising because that always gives me strength and focus first thing in the AM.  Ring Pilates today.  Hope it works.

    Jeremiah 17:1-8  7 "But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. 8 They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream."  God very often in the old testament let bad things happen to people that strayed from his love and care.  Stay close to Him.

    On this day;
    1980 - My friend Pat called and wanted to know if I wanted to go into the dry cleaning business with him.  I wonder how things would have been different if I had.  It is long hours and 6 or 7 days a week to run one of those.  Judging what happened in the next few years, I might have been better off, but I turned him down.  He never opened one either, he went into ice cream trucks and wholesaling ice cream. 

    2004 - Mattel announced that "Barbie" and "Ken" were breaking up. The dolls had met on the set of their first television commercial together in 1961. Very slow news day!

    Parenting - Mom has been in the hospital for 5 days now.  They don't know for sure what is wrong but after not giving her meds for a urinary tract infection, that she takes on a regular basis, she of course has a UTI now.  Yesterday it was very bad with her becoming combative, and confused and having some very entertaining halucinations.  I should be at the hospital now but beginning to feel like I need medical care.  It can wear you down.

    Iwate Japan - wish I were there!


    Iwate's industry is concentrated around Morioka and specializes in semiconductor and communications manufacturing.
    As of March 2011, the prefecture produced 3.9% of Japan's beef and 14.4% of broiler chickens.[9] In 2009, 866 tons of dolphins and whales were harvested off the coast of Iwate, accounting for more than half of Japan's total catch of 1,404 tons.[10]  ok not happy about the dolphins.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Leann and Jodi! 

    Tuesday, February 10, 2015

    February 10, 2015 Tuesday

    Pilates - because laying on my back always seems easier then jumping up and down.  I do find that Pilates gives core strength like nothing else.  If you think it is a girls workout, try it and see how easy the hundreds is.

    Matthew chapter 25 - The Sheep and the Goats - In His words Jesus tells us that at the end the sheep and the goats will be separated.  I love goats, but I have to be a sheep.  Don't take this too literally, just understand that you need to feed the hungry, give them clothes, contact the lonely, reach out to your brothers and sisters in need - don't be a goat.

    On this day -
    1976 - My boyfriend, Pete took his parents downtown to Cobo to see the Russian gymnast that was in town - I had my belly dance class so I couldn't go.  His Mom, Tatjiana was a very proud Russian. I on the other hand love to celebrate all cultures (belly dancing) and still do. 

    1920 - Major league baseball representatives outlawed pitches that involve tampering with the ball. Interesting in view of the recent football tampering of late.

    Parenting - Mom's in the hospital.  It is hard at 93 to know what the outcome will be this time.  Most of me wants to bring her home and get back to normal, but their is a voice telling me - Thy will be Done. 

    Iwate Japan - a little diversion to Japan -


    Map of Iwate Prefecture.
    Iwate faces the Pacific Ocean to the east with sheer, rocky cliffs along most of the shoreline interrupted by a few sandy beaches. The border with Akita Prefecture on the west is generally formed by the highest points of the Ou Mountains. Aomori Prefecture is to the north and Miyagi Prefecture is to the south.
    The Ou mountains on the west still contain active volcanoes such as Mt. Iwate (at 2,038 meters the highest point in the prefecture) and Mt. Kurikoma (1,627 meters). But the Kitakami Mountains running through the middle of the prefecture from north to south are much older and have not been active for thousands of years. Mt. Hayachine (1,917 meters) lies at the heart of the Kitakami range.
    Besides these two mountain ranges and the rugged coastline, the prefecture is characterized by the Kitakami River which flows from north to south between the Ou and Kitakami mountain ranges. It is the fourth longest river in Japan and the longest in Tohoku. The basin of the Kitakami is large and fertile providing room for the prefecture's largest cities, industrial parks and farms.
    In the past Iwate has been famous for its mineral wealth especially in the form of gold, iron, coal and sulfur but these are no longer produced. There is still an abundance of hot water for onsen, or hot springs, which is the basis of a thriving industry. The forests of the prefecture are another valuable resource. Before World War II the forests were mainly composed of beech but since then there has been a huge swing towards the production of faster growing Japanese cedar. Recently, though, there has been a push to restore the original beech forests in some areas.
    As of 1 April 2012, 5% of the total land area of the prefecture was designated as Natural Parks, namely Towada-Hachimantai and Rikuchū Kaigan National Parks; Kurikoma and Hayachine Quasi-National Parks; and Goyōzan, Hanamaki Onsenkyō, Kuji-Hiraniwa, Murone Kōgen, Oritsume Basenkyō, Sotoyama-Hayasaka, and Yuda Onsenkyō Prefectural Natural Parks.[8]


    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

    Saturday, February 7, 2015

    February 7, 2015 Saturday

    Started out with some Jillian, got through the warm up.  When you are on meds, you don't always feel like exercising.  They say as long as you can go ahead, well I can't today.

    Psalm 71 - This was for Mom today.  God is there when you are born and is with you every moment of your life.  It is a great comfort to know that he is with you into your old age as you are getting closer to being with him.  Thank God for all He has done for you and given to you - everyday of your life.  Life.

    On this day;
    1976 - Here is the entry for that day from my journal - "cleaned house shower (it was a lot to wash and set hair then) washed hair p.u. Mark (brother)  from work took him to p.u. car.  signed up with Vic Tanny  grocery shopping called Mom out to Pat & Pams - tv   Home tv bed."  Oh to be 29 again.  Not much has changed.  You should write down all the myriad things you do in a day - just once to see how busy your days are, you might be surprised.

     1976 - Darryl Sittler (Toronto Maple Leafs) set a National Hockey League (NHL) record when he scored 10 points in a game against the Boston Bruins. He scored six goals and four assists. He was busy this day too!

    Parenting - My friend and I were just messaging back and forth about how younger people (women particularly) don't seem as high functioning as we are/were.  Maybe it is just their priorities.  She is having a hard time doing an event tomorrow due to low/non assistance from others on her board.  I feel bad because I left that board and it fell to her.  Twenty years ago, I was a single Mom, worked full time, taught Sunday School and was involved with all things at church and school.  Mind you I did not have a social life, but hey I was fulfilled with what I was doing.  Today's Mom's don't see church as a priority - you have to give them small jobs like once a month participation with a short time period of involvement.  What has changed?  I would like to know.  Don't want to be an old grouch, but The Most Important Thing about any Christian church is Evangelism.  Right? 

    Iwate Japan;   Lets learn some more -
    Until the Meiji Restoration, the area of Iwate prefecture was part of Mutsu Province.[6]
    Iwate Prefecture was created in 1876 in the aftermath of the Boshin Civil War which heralded the beginning of the Meiji Restoration. While the entire island of Honshū was claimed by the Japanese, or Yamato, government from earliest times as a sort of divine right or manifest destiny, the imperial forces were unable to occupy any part of what would become Iwate until 802 when two powerful Emishi leaders, Aterui and More, surrendered at Fort Isawa.
    The area now known as Iwate Prefecture was inhabited by the Jomon people who left their artifacts throughout the prefecture. For example a large number of burial pits from the Middle Jomon Period (2,800–1,900 BC) have been found in Nishida. Various sites from the Late Jomon Period (1,900–1,300 BC) including Tateishi, Makumae and Hatten contain clay figurines, masks and ear and nose shaped clay artifacts. The Kunenbashi site in Kitakami City has yielded stone "swords", tablets and tools as well as clay figurines, earrings and potsherds from the Final Jomon Period (1,300–300 BC).
    The earliest mention of a Japanese presence dates to about 630 when the Hakusan Shrine was said to have been built on Mt. Kanzan in what is now Hiraizumi. At this time various Japanese traders, hunters, adventurers, priests and criminals made their way to Iwate. In 712 the province of Mutsu, containing all of Tohoku, was divided into Dewa Province, the area west of the Ou Mountains and Mutsu Province. In 729 Kokuseki-ji Temple was founded in what is now Mizusawa Ward, Oshu City by the itinerant priest Gyōki.
    Little is known about relations between these Japanese frontiersmen and the native Emishi but in 776 they took a turn for the worse when large forces of the Yamato army invaded Iwate attacking the Isawa and Shiwa tribes in February and November of that year. More fighting occurred the next and following years but mostly in Dewa and the area south of present day Iwate prefecture. This situation continued until March 787 when the Yamato army suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Sufuse Village in what is now Mizusawa Ward, Oshu City. There the Emishi leaders More and Aterui leading a large cavalry force trapped the Yamato infantry and pushed them into the Kitakami River where their heavy armour proved deadly. Over 1,000 soldiers drowned that day. The Japanese general Ki no Asami Kosami was "rebuked" by the Emperor Kammu when he returned to Kyoto.
    Since the Japanese could not win on the battlefield they resorted to other means to conquer the Emishi. Trade for superior quality iron wares and sake made the Emishi dependent on the Japanese for these valuable goods. Bribes were offered to the Emishi leaders in the form of Japanese citizenship and rank if they would defect. Finally a campaign of burning crops and kidnapping the Emishi women and children and relocating them to Western Japan was adopted. Many a stout warrior gave up the fight to join his family again.  As in all cultures each country has its war stories - too bad all of our histories are made up of so much of this.  And still today.

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Al and Don! And Joshua!

    Thursday, February 5, 2015

    February 5, 2015 Thursday

    AM Yoga - ok I'm hooked.

    Psalm 37: 1-8  "Trust in the Lord and do good".  As the study writer says there is a mission now for people to find peace and joy and gratitude, love and other good things in our life.  Here God tells you that He has all that for you.  Trust in Him.  If you live life striving for those good positive things and realize that God provides for you and thank and praise Him, you will find the peace you need and want.

    On this day:
    2010 - Work was very slow, I suggested the boss lay me off and he agreed.  Mom was in Shorepointe Nursing for rehab.  Sounds like I had some quiet time to myself.  Nicole was home, but not always.

    1783 - Sweden recognized the independence of the United States. Those Swedes, always on the cutting edge of peace.

    Parenting - Everyone needs a break once in a while.  Does it make me a bad person to wish to go away to a hotel for one night? by myself? and just have some down time?  Occasionally I think we all get burned out on the regular routine, especially care givers.  But you can't do it unless the person you care for is in good hands, like a nursing home. 

    Iwate Japan - Little more history and background.


    Bashō visited and wrote about Iwate in the journey described in Oku no Hosomichi. Hiraizumi in particular inspired him.
    A Selection of Matsuo Basho's Haiku - The Green Leaf Files
    Scarecrow in the hillock. Paddy field -- How unaware! How useful! Passing through the world. Indeed this is just. Sogi's rain shelter. A wild sea- In the distance ...   This would be interesting to look into.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Michelle and Dee

    Wednesday, February 4, 2015

    February 4, 2015 Wednesday

    Weight training with Denise Austin this morning.  The  "if you rest your rust" girl.  Not sure after the snow blowing I needed that but I tried.  We all have that one thing - I can't do the lifts with your hands on the chair and lowering yourself down, where you are literally lifting your own weight.  My wrists won't have it.  If you run into those, I say go on to the next one.

    Ephesians chapter 1 - I love this!  It says it all vs 2:1-6  Praise for Spiritual Blessings in Christ.  This just encompasses all that I know as a Lutheran Christian.  "Only Jesus' death could purchase our freedom."

    On this day;
    2009 - This was a turning point in my career at Clancy's.  When I went into work, Doug the son, was waiting for me.  He virtually attacked me with insults and was so enraged I thought he was going to hit me.  I packed up my stuff and left after he screamed I was fired.  No idea, did not see it coming.  I went to church and sat in Pastor's office and cried.  I was so mad I didn't know what to do with the anger I felt.  I found out later he wanted his wife to come in and do my job.  He could have been more subtle.  I did get called back to work by the boss and lasted another 3 years, but it was not pleasant after that.  We all have a work horror story don't we?  This is mine.

    2004 - The social networking website Facebook was launched.  Make a note it will appear on Jeopardy sometime!

    Parenting - The recent news on food specifically prepared for children is not as healthy as they thought was kind of interesting.  What do you think?

    Iwate Japan:


    There are several theories about the origin of the name "Iwate", but the most well known is the tale Oni no tegata, which is associated with the Mitsuishi or "Three Rocks" Shrine in Morioka. These rocks are said to have been thrown down into Morioka by an eruption of Mt. Iwate. According to the legend, there was once a devil who often tormented and harassed the local people. When the people prayed to the spirits of Mitsuishi for protection, the devil was immediately shackled to these rocks and forced to make a promise never to trouble the people again.[5] As a seal of his oath the devil made a handprint on one of the rocks, thus giving rise to the name Iwate, literally "rock hand". Even now after a rainfall it is said that the devil's hand print can still be seen there.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

    Tuesday, February 3, 2015

    February 3, 2015 Tuesday (Full Moon)

    AM Yoga -  After sleeping 11 hours last night with this cough I needed to stretch out. 

    2 Timothy -  This appears to me to be about diligence and appropriateness, a sense of doing things by the book. vs 5 "anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor's crown except by competing according to the rules."  Good advice.

    On this day;
    2008 - The Super Bowl - The Giants beat the Patriots.

    1690 - The first paper money in America was issued by the Massachusetts colony. The currency was used to pay soldiers that were fighting in the war against Quebec. Good thing to produce money for.

    Parenting - I like to ask my daughters idea on something that is controversial.  It gives me a different prospective on the subject.  We don't always agree, but I respect her opinion.  Today it was about an e-mail that suggested that all Muslims are supposed to kill infidels to earn a place in heaven.  I remember a time when young people here were all reading the Quaran because it was a book of peace.  She reminded me that that was what she believed.  I hope that is true, I have become cynical on the subject.

    Iwate Japan:
    Official logo of Iwate Prefecture
    Symbol of Iwate Prefecture
    Location of Iwate Prefecture
    Here is where it is located.    Good to know!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Martina

    Monday, February 2, 2015

    February 2, 2015 Monday Groundhog Day

    Did a little with Kathy Smith.  Mostly the warm up.  Went outside and removed snow for two hours.  The snowblower we bought for Christmas is a monster, and came in handy today! Still a workout.

    1 Chronicles chapter 16 - Give thanks to the Lord.  This is remembering to thank God for giving you something, not for the gift specific.  For example - "Thanks to God for his goodness to me" rather than "thanks for the snowblower".  "Your thanksgiving emphasizes the Giver rather than the gifts."

    On this day;
    2005 - Mom would take Nicole to her Karate class and I would meet them there after work.  We loved sitting and watching the 10 - 20 kids going through the different moves they had to learn.  Nicole was intense about it.  She was a small, thin child but put a lot of punch in her moves.  Video available.

    1653 - New Amsterdam, now known as New York City, was incorporated. I didn't know that was its first name. huh!

    Parenting - There were a lot of reasons I thought Karate was a good choice for Nicole.  It is exercise, it teaches endurance and concentration, discipline and it was not gender specific.  She preferred hanging with boys and that worked for her.  I would recommend it.

    Iwate Japan - Inuyama was just a stop over!  Let's see what Iwate has to offer:
    Iwate Prefecture (岩手県 Iwate-ken?) is the second largest prefecture of Japan after Hokkaido.[2] It is located in the Tōhoku region of Honshū island and contains the island's easternmost point.[3] The capital is Morioka.[4] Iwate has the lowest population density of any prefecture outside Hokkaido. Famous attractions include the Buddhist temples of Hiraizumi, including Chūson-ji and Mōtsū-ji with their treasures, Fujiwara no Sato, a movie lot and theme park in Esashi Ward, Oshu City, Tenshochi, a park in Kitakami City known for its big, old cherry trees and Morioka Castle in Morioka CitySarah spent some time here teaching English, enjoy!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Bill!

    Sunday, February 1, 2015

    February 1, 2015 Sunday

    A day of rest, except snow removal.

    Went to Christ Lutheran today.  They had a visiting pastor from Georgia to speak on Food for the Poor.  He spoke of the people of Haiti not having food and how much we will spend on food and fun today Super Bowl Sunday.  There is a huge disparity in where we spend our money.  You can choose to do both, but I know that I spend much more on my own entertainment than I do on the poor.  "When I was thirsty you gave me water, when I was hungry you gave me food......"  Just a little wake up call.

    On this day:
    1987 - We were boat dependent people.  Mark worked for his Dad's boat dealership and the Boat Show was on downtown.  He sold 7 boats that day and they all went out to celebrate at Sindbad's and had too much to drink.  Sounded like a good story to me. 

    1987 - Terry Williams won the largest slot machine payoff, at the time, when won $4.9 million after getting four lucky 7s on a machine in Reno, NV. Another good story!  this one supposedly true.

    Parenting - Went to a party last night and spend most of the time talking to a woman, who said she was 40, she looks 30, has to small boys 4 and almost 1, and health problems.  She does have a very supportive husband.  Often, when we are busy with children, stuck in the house for the long days of winter and have stress related health problems, it helps to just tell someone and get it off your back.  I did advise her to get a yoga video, she said its too hard to find a class that works with her schedule.  The other advise was meditate, which I am working on.  I read recently that it really helps with mental health.  I hope it helped her.

    Inuyama  Japan- We have moved! 
    Inuyama Castle
    Inuyama (犬山), literally meaning "dog mountain", is a city in Aichi Prefecture, not far from Nagoya. It is most famous for its small but beautiful castle, which is one of Japan's oldest wooden castles in its original state, having survived the turmoils of wars and disasters over the years. The picturesque Kiso River runs along the northern border of the city, where cormorant fishing takes place from June through mid October every year. Southeast of the city center is Meiji Mura, a popular open air historical theme park based on the Meiji Period (1868-1912).
    Any Questions? Ask them in our question forum.
     1  Inuyama Castle
    Claimed to be Japan's oldest surviving castle.
    User rating: 80/100 (153 votes)
    Visited by: 323 users
     2  Meiji Mura
    Open air museum about the Meiji Period.
    User rating: 78/100 (81 votes)
    Visited by: 205 users
     3  Urakuen Garden
    Garden with a celebrated teahouse.
    User rating: 72/100 (26 votes)
    Visited by: 60 users

    Access and Orientation
    Access and Orientation
    How to get to and around Inuyama. About transportation in Japan


    User Ratings
    Ratings for Inuyama: Rating:
    User Rating (by 209 users):

    Best rated destinations (out of 165):
    120. Nagano   75/100
    121. Iga Ueno   75/100
    122. Kairakuen Garden   75/100
    123. Aomori   75/100
    124. Okayama   75/100
    125.  Inuyama   75/100
    126. Udo Shrine   75/100
    127. Minakami   74/100
    128. Rusutsu   74/100
    129. Mount Daisen   74/100
    Most visited destinations (out of 178):
    45. Matsuyama   
    46. Aomori   
    47. Hikone   
    48. Hakuba   
    49. Kochi   
    50.  Inuyama   
    51. Shizuoka   
    52. Aizu   

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