Saturday, February 21, 2015

February 21, 2015 Saturday

Plain and Simple stretch.  It is so important to keep limber, especially as we get older.  This is about a 45 minute stretch that really leaves you feeling relaxed.  Very much like yoga - stretch and hold.

Ephesians - Chapter 1:13-14 - This Lenten study is taking us right through Ephesians.  A book of love and praise.  If you hear The Word and believe it you are blessed with the Holy Spirit, the wonderful part of God that dwells within us, (as I understand it).  Pull out that Bible and read these passages as we go along through this time of self examination.

On this day;
2002 - Betty was a great benefactor of our church and not someone Nicole and I would normally hang with, but she liked us.  We went to lunch with her a few times, on this day she took us to Lochmoor, not our usual stomping grounds.  Betty is gone now but we will always remember her friendship.  I believe she came to Nicole's graduation party as well. Right Nicole?

1904 - The National Ski Association was formed in Ishpeming, MI. Good piece of trivia to remember for those times in the hot tub after skiing.

Parenting - Thanks to all of you that supported Nicole, once again, for the 30 Hour Famine.  I have to say over the years, the number of children that die each day of hunger has dropped, because of this and all over organizations that have worked to feed them.  On the downside the number of children that live in poverty in Detroit has increased.  We need to concentrate on that.

Forward from my book- Come Get These Memories-of the sixties.
  We   all wonder what the purpose is that we were put on this earth.  Was it to achieve some great life changing event, discovery or invention?    Maybe it is a moment in time to assassinate an evil entity that has caused horrible terror and pain to people.  Perhaps to live a life that set a great example for those of us to follow.  Most of us aren’t sure of what it is we are supposed to be doing.  It’s hard to imagine that some of us are just “fluff”, minor agents in the really important stuff of life.  Maybe, we had a “walk through” part that slightly influenced one of the “major” agents at work in the world.  I always believed that there was some important role I was supposed to be playing, nothing earth shattering or even newsworthy, but possibly very important to people that my life touched.  Now that I’m older, I’m even  more sure of this.  Which leaves me wondering why some things happened to me in my life - a grand plan or just incidental? Only God knows, which brings up a lot of other “purpose” questions. 

Iwate Japan -
I hope this works!  it is a great video on Iwate Japan, in English.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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