Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 18, 2015 Wednesday Ash Wednesday

Pilates this morning - I'm beginning to see a pattern here.  Been low energy since they cut my HRT meds.  Trying a B12 for energy.  Adjustments must be made.

Ephesians chapter 1:1-6 - "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, just as he chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless before him in love." On this day we return to God and away from our sin - in repentance and thanks to Him who gives us His all.

On this day;
1998 - Not sure if this is a day to remember or forget.  My boss took me to lunch the day before and then some friends joined us for bar hopping and I got real tanked, it was my birthday.  SO on this day I had to call in sick - I wonder if he learned his lesson?  Well I guess we both did, it was the last time I went out to lunch and bar hopping with him.  It really isn't a good idea to go drinking with your boss is it?

1998 - In Nevada, two white separatists were arrested and accused of plotting a bacterial attack on subways in New York City Bet the bacteria wouldn't have effected me!

Iwate Japan - What else can we find out?
> Food of Iwate  > Iwate Beef  ( Maesawa Beef, etc. )

Food of Iwate 

Iwate Beef  ( Maesawa Beef, etc. ) 


The most famous beef in Iwate is Maesawa Beef produced in the Maesawa area of Oshu City. It is said that the Matsusaka Beef in the West and the Maesawa Beef in the East are the best beef brands in Japan. The exquisitely marbled meat is so soft that it melts in your mouth. To ensure its quality, Maesawa Beef is only available at stores or restaurants which are designated as official distributors. The Maesawa Beef Festival, held on the first Sunday of June, is a great time to enjoy this high-end delicacy at a bargain price; over 30,000 visitors from in and out of Iwate flock to this event. To get beef at the festival, buy a beef-exchange ticket in advance. Another great Iwate Beef is Iwate Short-Horn Beef, which is lean and healthy.




The cattle are raised on highland pastures, and in summer, many tourists enjoy the panorama of the relaxed cows, the lush green grass, and the blue sky. In Iwate, there area many restaurants where you can enjoy great Iwate Beef such as these, in various dishes such as steak, sukiyaki, and shabu-shabu.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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