Tuesday, February 3, 2015

February 3, 2015 Tuesday (Full Moon)

AM Yoga -  After sleeping 11 hours last night with this cough I needed to stretch out. 

2 Timothy -  This appears to me to be about diligence and appropriateness, a sense of doing things by the book. vs 5 "anyone who competes as an athlete does not receive the victor's crown except by competing according to the rules."  Good advice.

On this day;
2008 - The Super Bowl - The Giants beat the Patriots.

1690 - The first paper money in America was issued by the Massachusetts colony. The currency was used to pay soldiers that were fighting in the war against Quebec. Good thing to produce money for.

Parenting - I like to ask my daughters idea on something that is controversial.  It gives me a different prospective on the subject.  We don't always agree, but I respect her opinion.  Today it was about an e-mail that suggested that all Muslims are supposed to kill infidels to earn a place in heaven.  I remember a time when young people here were all reading the Quaran because it was a book of peace.  She reminded me that that was what she believed.  I hope that is true, I have become cynical on the subject.

Iwate Japan:
Official logo of Iwate Prefecture
Symbol of Iwate Prefecture
Location of Iwate Prefecture
Here is where it is located.    Good to know!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Martina

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