Friday, February 20, 2015

February 20, 2015 Friday

Disco with Richard.  Dancing is great exercise.  Don and I take ballroom dancing on Wednesday night at a local grade school.  I think it is our 3rd time taking the same class but, it is cheap and a great dance floor.  There are square dance lessons and line dance lessons and of course Zumba, also available.  Just look on line for your city adult classes or watch the paper for ads.  When you are having fun you forget you are exercising. 

Ephesians chapter 1:11-12  Do you enjoy God?  Well you should according to the study today.  You should enjoy the fact that He has given you your life and everything in it, and that He is always with you, to eternity, and that He takes joy in you and all you are.

On this day;
2004 - Life is always plus/minus or good/bad any of those opposites.  On this day about my nieces, Lindsey passed a test that she was very concerned about and Merri had to attend a funeral for two young Detroit city cops that had been killed on duty. Celebrate and mourn, that's life.

1673 - The first recorded wine auction took place in London. This, to me, is the biggest news of the day!

Parenting - I am reminded that I spent a lot of my OWN birthdays at Chuckie Cheese when the kids were small - it was just a better idea at the time.  NOW, I can go to places like the Dirty Dog Café with my adult friends - yum!

Iwate Japan - sightseeing!  lets go:

Take in the view from the Aso Caldera

This the world's largest active caldera and visits to the summit are frequently declared off limits due to toxic gas emissions. Don’t be put off, though; the 100,000-year-old caldera is geologically spectacular and the views from the top are superb.  Take a chance?  looks beautiful from here.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Stephanie!!

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