Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February 4, 2015 Wednesday

Weight training with Denise Austin this morning.  The  "if you rest your rust" girl.  Not sure after the snow blowing I needed that but I tried.  We all have that one thing - I can't do the lifts with your hands on the chair and lowering yourself down, where you are literally lifting your own weight.  My wrists won't have it.  If you run into those, I say go on to the next one.

Ephesians chapter 1 - I love this!  It says it all vs 2:1-6  Praise for Spiritual Blessings in Christ.  This just encompasses all that I know as a Lutheran Christian.  "Only Jesus' death could purchase our freedom."

On this day;
2009 - This was a turning point in my career at Clancy's.  When I went into work, Doug the son, was waiting for me.  He virtually attacked me with insults and was so enraged I thought he was going to hit me.  I packed up my stuff and left after he screamed I was fired.  No idea, did not see it coming.  I went to church and sat in Pastor's office and cried.  I was so mad I didn't know what to do with the anger I felt.  I found out later he wanted his wife to come in and do my job.  He could have been more subtle.  I did get called back to work by the boss and lasted another 3 years, but it was not pleasant after that.  We all have a work horror story don't we?  This is mine.

2004 - The social networking website Facebook was launched.  Make a note it will appear on Jeopardy sometime!

Parenting - The recent news on food specifically prepared for children is not as healthy as they thought was kind of interesting.  What do you think?

Iwate Japan:


There are several theories about the origin of the name "Iwate", but the most well known is the tale Oni no tegata, which is associated with the Mitsuishi or "Three Rocks" Shrine in Morioka. These rocks are said to have been thrown down into Morioka by an eruption of Mt. Iwate. According to the legend, there was once a devil who often tormented and harassed the local people. When the people prayed to the spirits of Mitsuishi for protection, the devil was immediately shackled to these rocks and forced to make a promise never to trouble the people again.[5] As a seal of his oath the devil made a handprint on one of the rocks, thus giving rise to the name Iwate, literally "rock hand". Even now after a rainfall it is said that the devil's hand print can still be seen there.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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