Friday, February 13, 2015

February 13, 2015 Friday Oh no are you superstious?

Did a little warm up set with Kathy Smith. 

Psalm 119:17-24  The law and the Word.  We know the law, the ten commandments and we try to abide by those laws.  Jesus came to save us from those times we fail and do our penance for us.  How thankful are we?  God is good.

On this day;
1983 - Last day in Florida with cousin Peggy, Aunt Margaret and Uncle Don.  It was especially nice having that time with my uncle, who was my dad's oldest brother and biggest fan.  He told me how smart and good hearted my dad was, they all loved him.  I was only 13 when he died so I never really knew him as an adult.  When I arrived in Detroit, there were Andy and Alice with a nice warm winter coat to pick me up.  I love my family.

1920 - The National Negro Baseball League was organized. Too bad for the "white" ball teams, talk about cutting the greatest out of your talent pool!

Parenting - Just read in the history of this day that a woman had 5 baby boys, the first time quintuplets were ever recorded.  Unfortunately, they all died within 2 weeks.  The odds are much better now for multiple births - even 8.  My cousins wife had eggs planted, so their two beautiful boys are not any kind of twins, but they are healthy and happy.  It was their one year old birthday yesterday.  They make the rest of us happy, just looking at them!

Iwate Japan;


The current population of Iwate as of 1 October 2007 is 1,363,702 consisting of 651,730 males and 711,972 females.
The earliest census records date from 1907 when the population of Iwate stood at 770,406 with 389,490 males and 380,916 females. This is also the only census to record more males than females.
In 1935, Iwate's population surpassed a million reaching 1,095,793.
In 1985, the population of the prefecture reached its all-time high before or since at 1,433,611.
The census of 1950 saw the most births in the prefecture with 45,968 reported. Since then there has been an almost steady decline to 10,344 births in 2007. The greatest number of deaths were reported in 1945 with a total of 32,614. The number of deaths declined steadily until 1980 when the fewest deaths were recorded, 9,892. Since then the number of deaths has increased gradually to 14,774 in 2007.
Thanks to improvements in medicine the number of infants dying at birth has declined from a high of 4,246 in 1950 to just 332 in 2007.
The number of marriages in the prefecture has also declined from a high of 13,055 in 1950 to an all-time low of 6,354 in 2007.  I noticed that the population is about twice what the city of Detroit is.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Reggie! 

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