Saturday, February 28, 2015

February 28, 2015 Saturday

I need to do more yoga.  Instead of the relaxing AM yoga I did the PM yoga this morning.  It is much more YOGA then I have been doing.  Going to work on it.  Find a class.  If you are looking for a yoga instructor, my "other" daughter Rachelle is starting to teach and she is great!!!!  Ask me.

Ephesians chapter 4:7 - You are saved by the Grace of God whether you want to be or not.  Christ died for all of our sins - you cannot change or eliminate that.  So in knowing that, we let God know that we are truly sorry for the continuous sins we commit (and we all do) or things we should do and don't (being kind and loving one another) because His position of Grace never changes.  He loves you.

On this day;
1981 My friend Tatjiana brought her friend Peter over for me to help with his resume.  They were Russian/German and he was a correspondent.  He was a younger German man that had Parkinson's disease, that she had move in with her after Pete's dad died.  I guess they thought I could help with the English part of the work.  Tatjiana was my friend Pete's mom and remained my friend till she died.  I was her "other" daughter.

Parenting - I remained on friendly terms with all of my exes parents.  It is hard to do through separations of any kind with a mate, but to have to sign off on adopted parents or siblings is another story.  Anybody else had this problem?  "I'm done with you, but keeping your family."

Excerpt - Come Get these Memories - of the sixties-

             Among My Souvenirs by Connie Francis
           The life expectancy In February of 1960 was 69.7 years old, but I had just turned 13 and like every teenager, was hooked on rock and roll and thought I was immortal.  We were all about the music since the 50’s when rock and roll started.   I had already been exposed to Bill Haley and the Comets and Elvis.  I loved it all, especially Chuck Berry.  When Maybelline hit the radio in 1955 (much to my mother’s dismay) I knew all the words and could sing it as fast as he did.  I had every album he recorded by the early 60’s.  Whether it was country, rock, or movie music, it shaped our lives, set our moods and twanged our personalities, and at 13, I was on the cutting edge.
Iwate Japan to Juneau Alaska!
Lets come home to our own country for a while.  Can't be any colder there then is is here!  Happy traveling!
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Clint!

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