Saturday, February 7, 2015

February 7, 2015 Saturday

Started out with some Jillian, got through the warm up.  When you are on meds, you don't always feel like exercising.  They say as long as you can go ahead, well I can't today.

Psalm 71 - This was for Mom today.  God is there when you are born and is with you every moment of your life.  It is a great comfort to know that he is with you into your old age as you are getting closer to being with him.  Thank God for all He has done for you and given to you - everyday of your life.  Life.

On this day;
1976 - Here is the entry for that day from my journal - "cleaned house shower (it was a lot to wash and set hair then) washed hair p.u. Mark (brother)  from work took him to p.u. car.  signed up with Vic Tanny  grocery shopping called Mom out to Pat & Pams - tv   Home tv bed."  Oh to be 29 again.  Not much has changed.  You should write down all the myriad things you do in a day - just once to see how busy your days are, you might be surprised.

 1976 - Darryl Sittler (Toronto Maple Leafs) set a National Hockey League (NHL) record when he scored 10 points in a game against the Boston Bruins. He scored six goals and four assists. He was busy this day too!

Parenting - My friend and I were just messaging back and forth about how younger people (women particularly) don't seem as high functioning as we are/were.  Maybe it is just their priorities.  She is having a hard time doing an event tomorrow due to low/non assistance from others on her board.  I feel bad because I left that board and it fell to her.  Twenty years ago, I was a single Mom, worked full time, taught Sunday School and was involved with all things at church and school.  Mind you I did not have a social life, but hey I was fulfilled with what I was doing.  Today's Mom's don't see church as a priority - you have to give them small jobs like once a month participation with a short time period of involvement.  What has changed?  I would like to know.  Don't want to be an old grouch, but The Most Important Thing about any Christian church is Evangelism.  Right? 

Iwate Japan;   Lets learn some more -
Until the Meiji Restoration, the area of Iwate prefecture was part of Mutsu Province.[6]
Iwate Prefecture was created in 1876 in the aftermath of the Boshin Civil War which heralded the beginning of the Meiji Restoration. While the entire island of Honshū was claimed by the Japanese, or Yamato, government from earliest times as a sort of divine right or manifest destiny, the imperial forces were unable to occupy any part of what would become Iwate until 802 when two powerful Emishi leaders, Aterui and More, surrendered at Fort Isawa.
The area now known as Iwate Prefecture was inhabited by the Jomon people who left their artifacts throughout the prefecture. For example a large number of burial pits from the Middle Jomon Period (2,800–1,900 BC) have been found in Nishida. Various sites from the Late Jomon Period (1,900–1,300 BC) including Tateishi, Makumae and Hatten contain clay figurines, masks and ear and nose shaped clay artifacts. The Kunenbashi site in Kitakami City has yielded stone "swords", tablets and tools as well as clay figurines, earrings and potsherds from the Final Jomon Period (1,300–300 BC).
The earliest mention of a Japanese presence dates to about 630 when the Hakusan Shrine was said to have been built on Mt. Kanzan in what is now Hiraizumi. At this time various Japanese traders, hunters, adventurers, priests and criminals made their way to Iwate. In 712 the province of Mutsu, containing all of Tohoku, was divided into Dewa Province, the area west of the Ou Mountains and Mutsu Province. In 729 Kokuseki-ji Temple was founded in what is now Mizusawa Ward, Oshu City by the itinerant priest Gyōki.
Little is known about relations between these Japanese frontiersmen and the native Emishi but in 776 they took a turn for the worse when large forces of the Yamato army invaded Iwate attacking the Isawa and Shiwa tribes in February and November of that year. More fighting occurred the next and following years but mostly in Dewa and the area south of present day Iwate prefecture. This situation continued until March 787 when the Yamato army suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Sufuse Village in what is now Mizusawa Ward, Oshu City. There the Emishi leaders More and Aterui leading a large cavalry force trapped the Yamato infantry and pushed them into the Kitakami River where their heavy armour proved deadly. Over 1,000 soldiers drowned that day. The Japanese general Ki no Asami Kosami was "rebuked" by the Emperor Kammu when he returned to Kyoto.
Since the Japanese could not win on the battlefield they resorted to other means to conquer the Emishi. Trade for superior quality iron wares and sake made the Emishi dependent on the Japanese for these valuable goods. Bribes were offered to the Emishi leaders in the form of Japanese citizenship and rank if they would defect. Finally a campaign of burning crops and kidnapping the Emishi women and children and relocating them to Western Japan was adopted. Many a stout warrior gave up the fight to join his family again.  As in all cultures each country has its war stories - too bad all of our histories are made up of so much of this.  And still today.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Al and Don! And Joshua!

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