Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25, 2015 Wednesday

Pilates with Denise Austin.  Guess I do a lot of Pilates.  She does a lot of these standing up thought and that is getting a balance workout as well.

Ephesians chapter 1:22-23  As Christ has been filled with all things for here and heaven by His Father, we too should be filled with love and care for one another.  Let yourself be filled with love for our awesome Father in heaven this Lenten season and let the excess spill out to all those you see.

On this day;
1978 - The bad thing about a journal is, as I get older more of the posts are of people no longer around.  So if I tell you - you won't be forgotten, ever, well you won't.  But on this day, an old friend of mine Jerry called and said he was going to go check his boat and go to dinner at Johnson's, did I want to come.  He stored his very large boat in a heated covered well, so it was a place you could have a drink before dinner, which we did.  If you are an eastsider, and of age, you MUST remember Johnson's.  It was a dinky little place on N. River Road that you could hardly ever get in, the food was so good.  We put in the reservation, went and checked the boat, had a drink and got back in time to be seated for dinner.  Who remembers that place?  Kay does, I know.

1948 - Communists seized power in Czechoslovakia. Now this makes sense to me.  My brother applied for the secret service in the late 60's and was denied because my mother was writing to a cousin in Czechoslovakia.  It was considered "behind" the iron curtain.

Parenting - Closed due to the cold (brain freeze).

Come and Get These Memories - exerpt:

  The upcoming 60’s decade brought changes to most of what we believed about family, religion, business and politics.  As personal freedom expanded marriage took a serious hit.  The sexual revolution and the new drug culture made young people shrink from the possibility that someone was watching them, always, so church lost popularity.  The economy expanded as people bought more cars and stuff that needed a second income to support.  Women picked up part time and even full time work and then, to the thrill of business, had more to spend in the stores.  Politics?  We elected the youngest, (inexperienced?) Catholic guy we could find and then headed through the 60’s with assassination, up risings, sit-ins and war.  It affected me and my family as I am sure it affected you. 
Iwate Japan -  last few days here, what else can we find?

Japan issued a tsunami advisory Tuesday morning following a 6.9-magnitude earthquake in northern Japan, the meteorological agency said  Looks like we were here for this.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Anniversary Andy and Alice!  Wow 31 years!

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