Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 5, 2015 Thursday

AM Yoga - ok I'm hooked.

Psalm 37: 1-8  "Trust in the Lord and do good".  As the study writer says there is a mission now for people to find peace and joy and gratitude, love and other good things in our life.  Here God tells you that He has all that for you.  Trust in Him.  If you live life striving for those good positive things and realize that God provides for you and thank and praise Him, you will find the peace you need and want.

On this day:
2010 - Work was very slow, I suggested the boss lay me off and he agreed.  Mom was in Shorepointe Nursing for rehab.  Sounds like I had some quiet time to myself.  Nicole was home, but not always.

1783 - Sweden recognized the independence of the United States. Those Swedes, always on the cutting edge of peace.

Parenting - Everyone needs a break once in a while.  Does it make me a bad person to wish to go away to a hotel for one night? by myself? and just have some down time?  Occasionally I think we all get burned out on the regular routine, especially care givers.  But you can't do it unless the person you care for is in good hands, like a nursing home. 

Iwate Japan - Little more history and background.


Bashō visited and wrote about Iwate in the journey described in Oku no Hosomichi. Hiraizumi in particular inspired him.
A Selection of Matsuo Basho's Haiku - The Green Leaf Files
Scarecrow in the hillock. Paddy field -- How unaware! How useful! Passing through the world. Indeed this is just. Sogi's rain shelter. A wild sea- In the distance ...   This would be interesting to look into.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Michelle and Dee

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