Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February 24, 2015 Tuesday

Denise and I worked on the Abs this morning.  Sit ups, crunches,  Just do what you can.  Warm up your back first with some stretches though.

Ephesians 1: 20-21 The study writer in Ponder includes this -  The Mystery of Christ shines from one end of creation to the other, the whole shooting match is already lit up everywhere....The church doesn't have to (get)... people... wired in Jesus.  It just has to bring them the hilariously Good News that if only they will trust Jesus and open their eyes the darkness will be gone. - Robert Farrar Capon, The Mystery of Christ.  Better than what I could have said.

On this day: 
1968 - My future husband and I went to the drive-in with our friends, Ron and Gail.  In my car, which was a 1963 Corvair, convertible.  Not very roomy.  We saw the movie Bonnie and Clyde.  I just keep thinking of Ron, who was over 6' in that back seat. Eh, we were young.

1956 - The city of Cleveland invoked a 1931 law that barred people under the age of 18 from dancing in public without an adult guardian. WHAT?

Parenting - Dancing was my life as a teenager.  My mom showed me how to Waltz, Polka, and swing, I learned calypso from watching tv and the cha cha.  We learned the stroll, the twist and here in Detroit the Social.  I can't imagine the uproar they must have been faced with.  Nicole and her friends have their style and I watched the group of camp couselors dance at a wedding and loved the joy they found in it.  Again I say; WHAT?

Come get these Memories-

CHAPTER ONE  1960  Why by Frankie Avalon
          I think it is important for all of us to know that this decade started out with Emily Post dying.  This is probably what killed her.  We embraced bad attitudes, terrible behaviors, horrible fashion and the music.  What more can I say?  Who else could we blame?  Poor Emily.   Where could you go from a background of Lady and the Tramp in the 1950’s to Psycho in 1960?   We went from Harriet  Nelson on TV to “what kind of mother raised Norman”?    There were guys like Elvis singing songs like It’s Now or Never that might have started the sexual revolution.  John Kennedy and the whole Camelot thing were a big boost to the younger set, and they did get into office and made huge history.  Jackie got Emily Post right, but the rest of us?  Not so much.  We wanted women’s rights, racial equality and to be ourselves, whoever that was.  Not who Emily told us to be.

Iwate Japan -
Capital of Noodles, Morioka 盛岡
The taste and the type of noodles vary in each place or city but the residents who consume the most amount of noodles is Morioka City. Ramen noodle is very popular but Morioka has the famoust "Wanko Soba" made from buckwheat. "Morioka Remen" is based on the cold noodles that orinate in Korean Peninsula. Jajamen noodles has the roots in China. The Moriokans (how we call the local people in Morioka) are keen to find the best tasting noodles of any kind. All the type of noodles are scattered in the city and each restaurant takes pride with their own recipe and serve them in affordable pricings.
three major kinds (Morioka Remen, Wanko soba and Jajamen)
source :  www.kanko-otakara.jp

Nanbutestu 南部鉄 iron teapots and other items
. . . CLICK here for Photos !  Info and a place for souveniers! 

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Eddie!

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