Monday, February 23, 2015

February 23, 2015 Monday

Still glad I don't do this one in a class with people watching.  Kick boxing - not for the weak of heart.  Well maybe the way I do it. 

Genesis - Our Bible study group is talking about this book right now.  It is really jam packed with history and stories, a lot of which I know, but have forgotten.  Do you know what the Nephilim are?  Good reading and studying.

On this day;
2007 - I was the youth director at church.  We were doing the 30 Hour Famine and decided to go and play Lazer Tag on Friday night, while they still had some strength from not eating.  There were 30 kids that went to play tag, but only 20 that stayed for the lock in.  I loved Lazar Tag.

1954 - The first mass vaccination of children against polio began in Pittsburgh, PA. Why wouldn't you vaccinate your child against diseases?

Parenting - I remember, as a child the horror stories of children trapped in iron lungs for long periods of time because polio had made them paralyzed, so they couldn't breathe.  Back in the 50's many kids had braces etc, because of this disease.  My brother had a mild case in his neck.  The polio vaccine was looked at as a great life saver.  I'm having a hard time understanding why some children have not had the MMR vaccine that my kids had?  What are the side effects, guess I should look it up.

Here is another section of my book I am working on:

     It does seem to have a lot to do with the music, either we picked it by our favorites or it shaped us with its sound and lyrics.  It confirmed who we thought we were.  I can still hear the music.  It is like having a diary on a jukebox in my head.
Iwate Japan - Politics:

A chat with Masataka Miya of the Iwate Government

Amanda Wayama | 22 January 2015

Masataka Miya, director of ILC Promotion for Iwate, Japan, talks about the prefecture’s plans for the ILC.
Things are moving forward in the year 2015 – technical planning for the ILC is proceeding, and the Japanese national government is preparing to make a decision whether or not to host the project. But what about Iwate, the region home to the Kitakami candidate site? What are their plans for 2015? Masataka Miya, director of ILC Promotion for Iwate, kindly agreed to sit down and talk about Iwate’s strategy for the next year.
Iwate is a lot more rural than the international cities of Tokyo or Osaka. What is the government doing to prepare for a possible influx of foreign residents? “We are making an online guide for living in the area, and there are deliberations at the prefectural and municipal level on changes to be made to the education and health care system,” said Miya.  “We are also jointly researching with Iwate Prefectural University (IPU) on what kind of human resources we need and how to train those human resources.” Another ILC link: IPU also has the honour of welcoming new president Atsuto Suzuki, director general of KEK!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kris!

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