Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 26, 2015 Thursday

Richard and I did some resistance band arms and legs workout.  I just went to the chiropractor for a neck adjustment, but find that "resting" isn't an option for me.  I need to keep using those muscles.

Ephesians chapter 4:1-3 This is about trying harder to live in peace with one another.  We often cannot even agree with other Christians, but the Spirit tries to impart that strength to us to live in unity with everyone - not just Christians.  Pray to live in peace.

On this day:
1980 - I got a call from Richard in Trinidad.  This started a firestorm of warnings from friends and family. "He is looking for a way to get into the country! You don't know what kind of person he is! etc."  I met Richard on the train going into Toronto in January.  He was extremely good looking and smooth talking, but alas I did not pursue a relationship with him. I could have been living in Trinidad right now, instead of this winter wasteland.
1907 - The U.S. Congress raised their own pay to $7500.   I really feel like these jobs should be equal in pay to any other government employee - as in the armed forces.  How about non pay/ just service to your country - not a get rich quick scheme as it is.

Parenting - This is turning into a reverse case of parenting.  Mom is still in the rehab nursing home.  We are in that situation of wondering whether she will be well enough to come home.  As Nicole and I left yesterday she said "Don't forget where you left me".  Sniff. We have been there everyday.

Come and Get These Memories - of the Sixties. (excerpt)

     Wild One by Bobby Rydel, that’s who Jean turned into. Or maybe Devil or Angel by Bobby Vee, you decide.     It was a great time to be a teenager!
Iwate Japan - Just a couple days- how about shopping?


These would make some good souveniers!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

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