Saturday, March 11, 2017

March 11, 2017 Saturday #healthymuscle#giftoflawsandgrace#crosstitch#mapface

Get Fit
Looking for what food helps muscles rebuild.  After checking a few sites I believe that protein is probably the best source for this.  If you have any health via food intake for muscles let me know.  I am still trying to workout, not sure one of the muscles in my back is ready.  Anybody?

Get Faith
Isaiah 44:3  "I will pour my Spirit upon your descendants, and my blessing on your offspring."  He has already done this for me.  His gifts are never ending.

Luther reminds us that the law is followed, first, by a warning or what happens to those who do not obey the commandments (and you are not a follower of the Lord).  He then goes on to reveal that in Jesus Christ we are saved by grace because we are a follower of God and believe in our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The study writer added this admonishment by Dr Seuss, The Lorax:
"But now," says the Once-ler....
UNLESS someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better,
It's not."    

Share the Gospel so it can get better.

On this day
1997  Was a normal day.  Nicole to school, I worked.  There was mention that I was working on a cross stitch (something) for my friend Gerry.  I have done a very few of these in my life but have no recollection of one for Gerry.  I'll have to ask and see if she remembers.

1997 - An explosion at a nuclear waste reprocessing plant caused 35 workers to be exposed to low levels of radioactivity. The incident was the worst in Japan's history.  I feel like if this is the worse thing that happened (35) they have been lucky, not to discount the lives of 35 but it has been much worse in other places.

Zhodzina Belarus
You might want to go to the city Website for additional info.  It was a bit lengthy to put here.
 Here is a map - the east border looks like Nixon.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Birthday Joyce, Marty and Daniel!!

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