Sunday, March 19, 2017

March 19, 2017 Sunday #Powerinsharing#Abba#information#Why?WhiteRus!

Get Faith
2 Timothy 1:7  "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."  I occasionally question the last sound mind but, I do believe that the more we reach out to others the more power and love we have.  My life is full, and I can tell you when it got tremendously better, when my daughter was born.  In my desire to make her life all she wanted it to be I was led by God to encourage her faith - and so both of our lives have been better.  Don't be afraid to lead someone else down that path - the more the merrier, I say, oh and so does Timothy.

The Lenten study continues with the Lord's Prayer.  "Our Father in heaven"  He is in heaven, and everywhere else, as He is omnipresent.  Our Triune God approaches us from all angles, in all places at all times.  Truly, our Father cares for us and answers our prayers, wherever He is.  Today I hear He is at church!  I'm going!

On this day
2007 - On this day it snowed :(  after work and dinner was finished I got on the computer to do my work as the youth director.  I had council the night before and always made a practice of sending copy of my notes that I had reported on to the council to all members of the youth board, to keep everyone informed.  I also sent a copy to the church secretary to include in the church newsletter to let the congregation know what the youth and its board were doing.  I believe in clarity and sharing information on what matters to all of the members.  Sometime we forget  the best way to keep people in the fold is to keep them informed like they have a right to be.

1644 - 200 members of the Peking imperial family/court committed suicide. Not sure this is good info to share but it raises a lot of questions.  Why?  Were they all agreed on this or was some of it murder?
Who took over?

The name Belarus is closely related with the term Belaya Rus' , i.e., White Rus'. There are several claims to the origin of the name White Rus'.[27] An ethno-religious theory suggests that the name used to describe the part of old Ruthenian lands within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania that had been populated mostly by early Christianized Slavs, as opposed to Black Ruthenia, which was predominantly inhabited by pagan Balts.[28]  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Mark, Debbie and Mark F

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