Saturday, March 4, 2017

March 4, 2017 Saturday #grrrrrest#allarewelcome#memories#landlocked!

Get Fit
Have had a little set back after trying to get back too soon.  I hate not being able to just jump back in but I guess rest has its merit.  tap tap tap  That's me drumming my fingers.

Get Faith
From my daily study journal I get the message from Isaiah 55:1  "Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters..".  And from my lenten reader the third commandment "Remember the sabbath day , and keep it holy.  All are welcome the church says.  Do you mean it?  Are all welcome?  People of color?  People that are LGBT?  The poor who look iffy?  Do you really mean All are welcome?  I love this song "Just as I am...O lamb of God, I come, I come."

On this day
1986 copied: "7:30  juice & coffee - breakfast.  Marty stayed home. Cleaned & laundry - Nicole took a nap. shower  Ma called  Mom and Mark over.  Birmingham Ackroyds  Ground Round lunch  stopped at Quality  Home  cleaned and played w/Nick  called Tanja  Mark home dinner  Nick bath and bed - got tax papers ready & rolled coins." I am always busy as accused, but certain notes make memories.  Marty seldom stayed home from work.  He hadn't lived with us too long and he loved Nicole, I think he was soaking up home life.  (I dreamed of him last night - he has grown taller in heaven).  I spoke to my mother in law who I called "Ma", everyday, and very often my mom and brother Mark came over and we went places.  I'm so glad for all the "lunch bunch" days we did because we didn't have Mark long.   We always had meat pies from Ackroyd's in March - for Marks and Andy's birthdays.  My journals always spur a lot of other memories - not just the fact.

1986 - "Today" debuted in London as England’s newest, national, daily newspaper. Was this the American newspaper?

Zhodzina Belarus
Zhodzina / Zhodino is located in Belarus This is the location of Zhodzina in Belarus.   See the little circle in the middle?  Thats it.  The country is landlocked and is bordered by Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.  They have a history of war and upheaval as you can imagine.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dave!

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