Monday, March 6, 2017

March 6, 2017 Monday #Rita!#marriage#Skinnymarinky#Svitanakkidsclothes

Get Fit
This blog keeps me honest.  If it helps you to share an exercise log with a friend, try that.  I did some light stretches, light weights and a little dancing with Rita.  I already noticed that my mood is better and I am not freezing.  (Save on your heating bill by exercising)

Get Faith
Ephesians 5:28 "So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies, he who loves his wife loves himself..." And Proverbs 112:4  "An excellent wife is the crown of her husband."  I failed dismally at this and now I look at couples that have spent a lifetime - starting out, building a life together, suffering through losses together and finally enjoying the life they have set for themselves.  As compared to my struggles and single handed pushing ahead.  I have enjoyed my life, and I am satisfied that I have done a good job for who I thought I was, originally.  It would have been so much easier to have that special someone to double the effort and work with.  Now, I see it.  This is an option, having a legal mate, that all people should be entitled to.  The Bible seldom differentiated between men/women, it usually referred to all people as man - the above quotes work for everyone.

On this day
1988   "kids & I to sunday School & church,  Mom there, Wendy's for lunch,  downtown to got to Elephant Show @ Ford Auditorium.  They were sold out.  Hobby Store & Home.  Kids out to play  - I took nap  Marty bought Ky chicken  Kathy picked up Aaron."   It was very disappointing.  Nicole loved that TV show with Sharon, Bram and ?  and the song Skinny ma rinky dinky dink Skinny ma rinkie do - I love you!  I guess I tried to make up for it taking them to the toy store.  Mom bought Nicole a record album of their music and a teapot shaped like an elephant.  Yes, they were spoiled.

1960 - Switzerland granted women the right to vote in municipal elections. Wow!  kinda late? and only municipal?  Switzermanland.

Zhodzina Belarus


The BelAZ automobile factory (The Belarusian Automobile Plant) is the largest employer in the city, and with about 11,000 workers, about one-sixth of the local population work there. Every third mining truck in the world is produced by them - their biggest weighs 360 tonnes and can carry 450 tonnes. Another important factory is the clothing manufacturer "SVITANAK", which produces children's and adults' clothes. Its products are exported to European countries.
Suit for boys P607944This is a cute outfit for Hudson from Svitanak!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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