Sunday, March 5, 2017

March 5, 2017 Sunday #peace#faith#love!

Get Faith
John 20:21 "Jesus said to them again,  "peace be with you, As the Father has sent me, even so I send you".  This reading and the fifth commandment "Thou shall not kill" have a connection for me.  If you tell someone that they are not welcome, that they should not teach the word of God or spread the love of Jesus because of who they are, they are in my mind breaking the 5th commandment.  They are separating someone in their own judgement from God and how damaging is that?  We are called to love one another and not kill - the body or the spirit.

On This day
1987  Today is and always will be my kid brother Mark's birthday.  He would be 60 but he only lived till he was 29, didn't even make 30.  So often, as I mentioned the other day in my post, we had to have meat pies from Ackroyds in remembrance of him.  He had only been gone one year in 1987 and we went to my brother Andy's to share the memories.  Mark had great faith.  He had gone to the Lutheran school in Detroit and loved to read the Bible to my dates.  He lost his way for sometime, juvenile diabetes is very rough on a child.  He had terrible bouts of depression.  He came back though at the last years of his life, going to church and I had him be my daughters Godfather.  Maybe that is why she has an extra dose of faith.  Good job Mark!

1623 - The first alcohol temperance law in the colonies was enacted in Virginia

1624 - In the American colony of Virginia, the upper class was exempted from whipping by legislation.  Two things I don't like about Virginia.

Zhodzina Belarus


The city, the most populated in the Smalyavichy Raion, is situated 50 km (31 mi) in north-east of Minsk and 15 km (9 mi) south-west of Barysaw. It is crossed by the Plisa river and has a little lake in its southern suburb.


There are nine schools, two high schools, one professional lyceum and Zhodzina polytechnical college in the city. Currently, there are no higher educational institutions in the city.  Remember this is a small city.  Sounds like a nice place though and I have had a jigsaw of a few places there.
Polotsk, BelarusA modest home.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Birthday Mark!

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