Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014 Sunday Wow! where did this month go?

Taking Mom to church this morning to get our Bible on.  Yay God!

On this day:
1975 - This is why I exercise and strengthen my back.  I had gone to Mom's for dinner and when I got home I thru out my back exercising.  I was only 28 then, but worked out at random things on a random basis.  It works better to stay on a regular something/anything schedule.  I heard the other day it is important to vary the workouts, ie. run, weights, dance, yoga, pilates etc. 

Parenting - Wow, got a heavy dose of this last night at Lindsey and Scotts 2nd Annual Christmas party.  There must have been 30 children under 10 and all of their parents plus.  What a great time and how wonderful to see the different generations enjoying the noise and confusion together.  It is like a giant recharge to me.  I loved the line of (5) boys on the couch on their electronics and the smaller children engrossed in the movie "Polar Express"  with all the holiday trim around them.  I loved the little guy (3 yrs old) that kept coming over and starting a fight with me so I would tickle him.  Jesus loves the little children!

Travelers!  We are moving today from the tropical, beautiful atolls and islands of Farquhar Group to Gwalior India.  It looks like an equally beautiful but different place.  Let's see!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kristin and Sarah!

Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014 Monday

Pilates with a resistance ring.  Slow start for the week, but something.

1 Peter chapter 1 - About bearing grief and God caring about your sorrow.  The study writer said "These indications of God's presence during trials on earth affirm God's promise of the living hope awaiting us at the resurrection."  I like that.

On this day;
2013 - Last year Nicole had started attending services at Christ Lutheran church and I went with her quite often.  She played guitar with Evan, their music director at the contemporary service.  I love both the traditional and contemporary music of the church.  Later that day Don came over and a group of us went to The Blue Goose and heard different music, swing/jazz/easy listening by Planet D Nonet.  They are a great group we enjoy their music.  I think music - all music is a gift from God for our ears and our souls.

1615 - French King Louis XIII married Ann of Austria. They were both 14 years old.  For parents this solves a lot of problems, right?

Parenting - Have you signed the kids up for music lessons?  It seems to me that kids that learn to read music and play any instrument are ahead of the game.  The discipline of practice and the joy of accomplishment seem to enhance a person's personality.  Am I wrong?  Of the adults you know how many play some type of instrument - piano, guitar, drums (God forbid)?  I took guitar lessons as an adult, I would have benefited more from dance lessons I think.  Nicole learned to play guitar from Aunt Jan, but mostly on her own.  She enjoys it I think and it has given her an outlet to her inner talent. (She did want a drum set).  The guitar is so much more portable.

Farquhar Group - Seychelles;

Lets take a sail today here!  Looks good huh?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandy!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 23, 2014 Sunday

Our new interim Pastor is Canadian.  It will take time to get used to each other, I like him.  His sermon today was based on Christ the King Sunday, of course.  That is what it is.  The last Sunday of the church year and it acknowledges that Christ is King.  He did not require a palace and kingly clothes, no crown or diadem, not even people bowing down before him.  He only wants your love which you can give him through loving one another.  Good King huh?

On this day:
2008 - I didn't realize how long Mom has been somewhat immobile.  On this day we went to church and then with Nicole and friend Megan out to Partridge Creek Mall.  We rented a wheelchair and pushed her around the outside mall to see the Christmas décor that was already up and have lunch.   They also have a nice outdoor fireplace and music.  That was 7 years ago and Mom is still moving, I won't let her make that move to the wheelchair, at 92, she will lose that last little bit of mobility if she does, even with a walker is better.  Am I mean?  I think I'm right.

1889 - The first jukebox made its debut in San Francisco, at the Palais Royale Saloon. Amazing!  wonder what songs were on it?

Parenting - At children's time we sang three stanza's of Jesus Loves Me.  It's not just  a children's song.

Farquhar Group & Seychelles -  I think you will like this:

Golf In The Seychelles

The Seychelles Islands in the warm, clear waters of the Indian Ocean is beginning to get on the lists of great golf holiday destinations. It has two courses on two different islands. One is a challenging nine-hole course and one is a championship 18-hole course designed by Rodney Wright and Marc Farry. One thing these courses have in common is the natural beauty that surrounds each.

Read more:

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22, 2014 Saturday

A.M. yoga.  Probably don't need to tell you how much I love this.  It makes getting out of bed at 6:30 am to feed the cat worth while.

Psalm 6 - Sounds so mournful.  David having another bad day with his enemies.  It''s hard to be king.  So two lessons here, don't make enemies and trust in the Lord to make you feel better if you are sad.

On this day:
2007 - This day was Thanksgiving in this year.  Nicole worked at Moosejaw and had to work on Thanksgiving.  The nature of the business this time of year and they were just online orders to be shipped.  We had a later dinner and Jan joined us, so it was small  but Thanksgiving with all the trimmings none the less.  We are blessed, so many have much less.

1718 - English pirate Edward Teach (a.k.a. "Blackbeard") was killed during a battle off the coast of North Carolina. British soldiers cornered him aboard his ship and killed him. He was shot and stabbed more than 25 times.  This goes back to the Bible Study for the day. (It is also the day JFK was killed.)  Hard to know your enemies sometime. But if you are a pirate you kind of have to expect this.

Parenting - Even cats need parenting.  Our should have been sent to military school as a small cat.  He is getting better, or I am getting faster, not sure which.  We still love Nola and the training goes on.

Book Club - Have to read Nehemiah for Grace Circle on Monday.

Farquhar Group and Seychelles - I'm really liking this virtual mind trip to the islands:
Heaps of rubbish
The exploration of the eastern and windward coasts of the North and South Island, both of which are important sea turtle nesting and juvenile bird flight training sites, led to the team being left shocked and dismayed by the distressing amount of marine debris being washed up on the beaches.
The team reported being especially concerned by the presence of plastic bags, fishing lines and FADs, which threaten both marine creatures and birdlife in the area. The ICS team on Alphonse recently revealed to SNA the increasing threat that FADs pose to conservation efforts on the outer islands.
"Those beaches sadly spoiled by human debris are a critical nesting habitat for sea turtles," Aurélie told SNA, adding that the ICS would need to work closely with its partners to clean up some 18 kilometres of shoreline from the vast quantities of litter.
It is likely that the sea trash could be originating from the Indian Ocean Garbage Patch, a vast collection of floating plastics, discarded fishing equipment and broken-down pieces of plastic polymers that pose a huge threat to the fish, marine mammals and birds who often mistake them for food.
The rubbish accumulates loosely in large 'gyres' throughout the world's oceans, collected in a circular pattern by ocean currents. Some pieces eventually wash up on nearby shores, leading to land pollution of pristine beaches such as the ones in the Farquhar atoll.  Hey it's not our trash, right?  Clean up the world, wherever you can.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014 Friday

Suzanne Deason and I did some Pilates this morning. 

Matthew chapter 13 - The parable of the sower.  It is about listening but not hearing.  For some people it is a matter of not paying attention for others it is beyond their grasp, they will never understand.  I hope that when it comes to faith you pay attention and understand.  Faith and spirituality are linked but not a given.  The study writer likened it to being at a family dinner but being on your cell phone.

On this day;
2006 - Nicole's friend Craig came over in his new car.  It was a 2004 blue Saturn Ion.  When you get a new car you want to show it off, take someone for a ride.  Her friend Jameson came over a couple months ago to show off  his new car to her.  Go buy a new car and show it off!  Come over here and take me for a ride!

On this day go to and go to Ellis Island to see how many of our ancestors came through customs to this country.  Much different then the 5 million that are coming in today.  I have mixed feelings about this.  I would like to see many of those people allowed in, some Mexican's I am very fond of, but it is also opening a can of worms they won't be able to contain again.  Many added to health care and welfare that we will pick up the bill on.

Parenting - We all want a better life for our families.  My Mom's family came from Germany when she was 18 months old, through Ellis Island.  My grandfather was thrilled to be in America, but the times were hard and they existed on little but missed World War 2 in Germany.  My Dad's family came through Canada he was a teenager, they were from Scotland.  They fared better then Mom's family but are all happy to be here.  Being a first generation American I appreciate that my daughter lives in the best country in the world.

Farquhar Group - that being said lets see more of the islands!
Victoria, Seychelles — (Seychelles News Agency) - Conservation officers working to establish the first conservation centre on the Farquhar group of islands in the Seychelles archipelago consider themselves fortunate to be stationed on one of the most beautiful and remote places on earth.
However, Aurélie Duhec and her small team from the Island Conservation Society (ICS) are facing an uphill battle against a never-ending torrent of sea trash and fish aggregation devices (FADs) washing up on the pristine powder-white beaches of the atoll.
Discovered in 1501 by Portuguese explorers, the Farquhar atoll was named after Robert Townsend Farquhar, the first British Governor of Mauritius, in 1824. It is one of the largest atolls in the Seychelles archipelago of 115 islands, covering an area of about 17,800 hectares.
Comprised of ten islands, Farquhar is the most southerly point of Seychelles and is closer to Madagascar than the main inhabited island of Mahé. The two main islands, North and South islands, are by far the largest, making up 97 percent of the atoll's total land mass.
The atoll is considered as a very important bird area with an abundance of nesting seabird species. The ICS believes that there is still a lot to be discovered on the group of islands, and has received funds from the GEF (Global Environment Facility) to set up a conservation centre for monitoring and research purposes.
Heaps of rubbish  I will post the rest of this tomorrow SEA TRASH is a huge problem.  Is there no end to our destructive capabilities?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20, 2014 Thursday

Have a sheet of weight lifting and moves to strengthen the back.  Good thing had to go out and shovel the snow after that.  I wouldn't have but I couldn't find my newspaper.  I guess my paperboy didn't get out of bed.

James Chapter 2 - This is somewhat contradictory to what us Lutherans believe, which is why some Lutherans are slackers about doing good works.  We believe we are saved by faith, not by works.  Which I believe to be true.  But if you truly believe in what Jesus says and have faith in who he is why would you think you don't have to act on your faith by helping others? 

On this day;
2005 - We had started going up to Roscommon for Thanksgiving so I invited Jan McCarthy over for Thanksgiving dinner the Sunday before.  As life changes so does who you have holidays with.  If you know someone that has been left out of dinner for next Thursday, consider inviting them over.  Jan lives in Florida now, (lucky).

1873 - Budapest was formed when the rival cities of Buda and Pest were united to form the capital of Hungary.  Wow. another no brainer. :)

Parenting - Families are fragile.  Gone are the days when Ma and Pa live in a great big farm house and EVERYONE goes to their house for Thanksgiving.  Now they split their time between his family and her family.  Maybe the kids are with you or they are at your Ex's this year.  Many members have moved out of state and can't always get back.  The original Thanksgiving was with the community, neighbors and Indians.  Maybe we need to think more about that. 

Farquhar Group and Seychelles - I would like to go here for Thanksgiving.

Farquhar Atoll is the most southerly atoll in the Seychelles chain of islands lying just over 700km to the southwest of the main island Mahe. This remote atoll has a total area, including the large lagoon, of 170.5 km² which is 18 km north to south and 9 km east to west. The total island land mass is 7.5 km² with a serviced concrete landing strip situated on the most northerly island. The main group of islands form a long curve which describes the eastern side of the atoll. Largest of these are Isle du Nord and Ile du Sud, with the smaller Manaha gaps and islands between them. Further south is Goelette and to the open western side of the atoll lies the small group known as Trois Îles. The large ear-shaped lagoon provides easy access to the countless flats, channels and surf zones which make Farquhar such a diverse fishery. The flats consist of hard white sand, turtle grass and broken coral which make for comfortable wading. Farquhar has a small population of local Seychellois, whose main roles are running a small line-fish operation as well as acting as a skeleton crew which manage the island and service the airstrip.  I am telling you!  We should go!  Anyone have a good recipe for stuffed fish?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014 Wednesday Discovery Day Puerto Rico yay!

Worked out with Jillian today.  Some days you have to challenge yourself.  This is  very challenging.

Numbers chapter 11 - From the old testament, where the Israelites are complaining about the bad food.  God gets mad and burns down part of their camp.  Don't complain is the message here!  Thank God for what you have.

On this day;
2004 - My brother Andy came down from Roscommon with part of the huge bookshelves he built for me.  I wanted something to store my favorite things in.  Books, music and photos.  It was a big endeavor for him, at about 10 feet long by 9 feet high, with display shelves and a cupboard on the bottom.  Ten years later it is jam packed with all of those things plus more.  What a great brother.

1998 - The impeachment inquiry of U.S. President Clinton began. I liked him until this happened.  What a disappointment that was.  Very much like Nixon.

Parenting - I love the tests on facebook, like what state should you live in, or what age are you?  The one yesterday was what faith denomination are you.  Nicole and I both came up as Lutheran's, what a surprise.  So happy that she has stayed with her faith, it is the most important thing to me.  what is the most important thing you want for your child?

Farquhar Group and Seychelles;
The Farquhar Group lies over 750km to the southwest of Mahe, 350km northeast of Madagascar.

It is comprised of two stunning atolls, Providence to the north and Farquhar to the south, with a total land area of less than 11 square kilometres.

The only airstrip is on North Island in the Farquhar Atoll and there are small permanent settlements both here and on Providence Island.

At present there is no accommodation, although we have been tipped off that one of the leading safari lodge owners has been granted the right to construct an extremely high end lodge on the Farquhar Atoll.  Now I am really excited!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014 Monday

Did a combination of stretches and yoga positions to keep the old muscles moving.  On Saturday I had done a lot of leg exercises and even with my constant regimen I get sore, which tells me I have to do more.  Don't back off if you get sore, do something to keep moving, it will feel better sooner that way.

Ephesians chapter 6 - Put on your armor of God.  Your belt of truth, the breastplate of righteous ness, and take your stand of peace.  Pick up your shield of faith to ward off the flaming arrows of evil and wear your helmet of salvation which is the word of God.  Now you are ready for the day.

On this day:
1997 - If you think it is unseasonably cold here in Michigan today - or down in Texas.  On this day it was in the 20's and got up to 30 in 97.  The guys worked in the shop, as opposed to outside as a construction company would usually be doing today.  So our temperatures today are not that unusual.  What was unusual that day was Alice and Lindsey, Mom, Nicole and I went to the Cloverleaf Pizza place on Gratiot for dinner.  I guess Andy was at work, and maybe Merri too.  That is still a great place to eat!  Put it on your calendar!

1997 - 62 people were killed by 6 Islamic militants outside the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt. The attackers were killed by police. This long slow war is taking its toll on peace, maybe we need more armor.

Parenting - It might have been a fundraiser we went to Cloverleaf for.  We all try to support the scouts with cookies and popcorn, the bands with bottle collection and this time of year food collections.  Another thing you can do is give blood, it is my newest act of sharing.

Farquhar Group and Seychelles;

Seychelles Bird Watching

Seychelles Bird Watching
Those looking to do a little bird watching in Seychelles will be rewarded with a destination that provides a myriad of exciting opportunities. Migrants, vagrants, sea birds, and land birds are all found inhabiting the Seychelles, which is a sort of African Galapagos in many regards. While you might not find the greatest variety of bird species here, a good amount of the Seychelles birds are quite rare, being endemic just to the Seychelles. These are some of the planet's rarest endemic birds, so what Seychelles birding amounts to, more or less, is quality over quantity. One of the best things about bird watching in Seychelles is the fact that you don't necessarily have to arrange a special tour to do so. While you enjoy such renowned reserves as the Vallee de Mai on Praslin Island, and the Veuve Reserve on La Digue, you'll be able to casually spot some unique avian species as you go. If Seychelles bird watching is the focus of your Seychelles vacation, then you can by all means plan your trip around it with special tours and such.   This sounds great!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jon!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

November 16, 2014 Sunday

Pastor Beebe's sermon was based on the parable of the of the slaves that were entrusted with the masters money when he went away.  It is from the 25th chapter of Matthew.  The owner gave each slave some money to take care of and some did and some didn't.  We are all entrusted with gifts from God, whether we use them or not is up to us, but he might want to know why you didn't.

On this day;
1991 - Aaron was here for the weekend and he had a canned food drive for school.  He got out the wagon and boxes and gathered Joey and Nicole and whoever else he could find and set out down the street.  He collected quite a haul of food that day.

1915 - Coca-Cola had its prototype for a countoured bottle patented. The bottle made its commercial debut the next year.  We all know that shape.

Parenting - Nicole was accepted into Christ Lutheran Church as a member today.  They are lucky to have her.  She was always Pastor Beebe's favorite anyway.

Farquhar Group and Seychelles:

A Typical Day

Anglers have two fishing sessions per day. In the morning after a quick breakfast they go to the flats for the whole day. They take a packed lunch, but they have the option of returning to the lodge for lunch and a rest before beginning the second fishing session.
Packaged all-inclusive tours are usually for seven nights with six days of fishing. There is a mid-week break when anglers can dive or snorkel the lagoon or simply rest. Each evening, the anglers and guides will plan the next day's fishing. Where they go to fish will depend on the tidal movements and the species they wish to catch.
The guides are world class professionals who speak English. Each one has first aid experience, is a qualified skipper and knows all about fly fishing.
They know where the fish usually go and will lead the guests to the right spot. Some of the species that swim the waters on the flats are bonefish, several trevally species, permit, barracuda, bumphead, parrotfish, triggerfish and milkfish.
The deep sea fish are giant trevally, barracuda, bohar, snapper, grouper, sailfish, wahoo, dogtooth tuna and yellowfin tuna. Whether the flats or in the deep, the guide will explain the correct techniques to catch whichever fish the angler wants.
These remarkable islands are truly secluded and are the home to an abundance of marine life. Anglers from all over the world take advantage of the small lodge and spend a week fishing on the sand flats and deep water for a very exciting time. The unique lagoon on Farquhar Island offers easy access to the countless flats, surf zones and channels that make it one of the most extraordinary fishing experiences in the world

Read more:

I know you all want to go, room for 10 of us!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

November 15, 2014 Saturday

Richard and I did some Tone and Stretch today.  Maybe you have heard on TV that Richard Simmons hasn't been seen in a year or so.  Well even the best exercisers are faced with injury or illnesses that get them down.  It is not failsafe.  But he was found still doing exercises with a group seated in chairs.  Where there is a will there is a way.  Keep moving!

Proverbs chapter 30 - This line "Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, Who is the Lord?"  Don't be that person that forgets the Lord because he has all he needs, it can all be gone in a snap.

On this day:
1986 - Nicole was a year and a half and my brother Mark was starting early teaching her Jingle Bells.  He would sing the part Jingle Bells  Jingle Bells Jingle All the way and then wait and Nicole would say Hey!  and he would continue on. It is an important memory because he never made it to Christmas, he died at 29 the day after Thanksgiving.  Glad he had that time with Nicole.

1986 - A government tribunal in Nicaragua convicted American Eugene Hasenfus of charges related to his role in delivering arms to Contra rebels. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison and was pardoned a month later.  I don't understand this, can someone enlighten me?

Parenting - Spent the morning with a bunch (31) Inner city youth at a Life Builders day camp.  I do love the children, their faces are so expectant, so curious and yet cautious.  After a time they are warmed up to you and they are leaning on you, sitting on your feet and petting your hair.  Hard to not give up your heart.  Love to feed them, it answers that to call to mother in all of us.

Farquhar Group:

The Lodge

The lodge on Farquhar has a main house that is completely air conditioned. It has five, double en suite rooms with plenty of hot water and daily laundry service. There is only accommodation for ten guests at one time.
The dining area is right on the edge of the water and the chef makes both Creole and international dishes for breakfast and dinner. A packed lunch is given to the anglers to take with them, so they need not return to the lodge for lunch. Bottled mineral water and soft drinks are included, and there is a good selection of beer and wine to purchase. Guests can also bring their own bottles.

Read more:

Oh man!  I really want to be there right now!!!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  RIP Charley

Friday, November 14, 2014

November 14, 2014 Friday

Pilates with Denise Austin.  I can't do the T stand, my wrists say no, but I do an elbow stand instead and still get the oblique's  worked out a little.  Make adjustments if you need to, but try!

Lamentations chapter 3 - Jeremiah's anguish, and it was plenty and yet one of our great hymns of hope is written from this writing. for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning: great is your faithfulness.  God unto me. 

On this day:
2010 - Don brought his daughter Melissa and her two small children, Madison and Cameron over to see the play Annie at my church.  It is a play loaded with kids and I remember watching Madison as she was mesmerized by the little girl playing Annie.  That was four years ago and I'll bet she would love to play that role herself.  She takes dance lessons and memorizes all the songs from movies.  I think she would be a lock for attending acting classes.  What do you think Don?

1979 - U.S. President Carter froze all Iranian assets in the United States and U.S. banks abroad in response to the taking of 63 American hostages at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran. Didn't realize they have been such a pain for so long.

Parenting - Nicole decided to try acting when she was 8 or 9.  It was a small class that decided to do Cinderella.  Nicole got the role of the assistant to the prince.  It was fun, but not as good as church plays.  Nicole went on to play Niko the flying monkey captain in The Wizard of Oz.  Her shining hour.  (film available)

Farquhar Group & Seychelles:

How to Visit the Islands?

Anglers who want to enjoy this amazing fishing experience usually book an all-inclusive packaged tour with a travel company that specialises in fishing trips. Charter flights go to Farquhar on Saturdays. Guests arrive the day before or on Saturday morning at the international airport in Mahe. The flight to the island leaves from the domestic terminal and takes one hour and forty five minutes to get to Farquhar Atoll. Then, it is a 15 minute ride by tractor and trailer to the lodge.

Read more:  This is sounding better all the time!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014 Thursday

I have myself convinced that I will feel like crap if I don't work out first thing everyday.  After 20 + years of exercising, it is a habit, like washing your face and brushing your teeth.  I do not feel the energy if I don't workout, even if its 10 or 15 minutes or longer.  It is something.  So do yourself a favor, find something to do everyday.  Do 10 repetitions of curls with weights or 10 deep knee bends.  Tell yourself it's for you.  I did 10 minutes of ab workout with Denise Austin today.  I want this feeling of hey!  I can do 100+ ab exercises and I am 67.  Feel better!  Great for depression!

Galatians chapter 4 - We are heirs to the kingdom. Before Jesus Christ we were slaves/children to a faith that we did not adopt.  Now because of Jesus, we have been adopted into the faith and made children of a awesome, loving God.

On this day:
2004 - Those were the days!  I went to Albion and spent the weekend with Nicole, we went to the football game then went to Jackson to Lone Star for dinner and followed up with a "mentalist" at the community center at school.  He was really good, I can't imagine how he did the mind reading things he did, unless it was fixed.  What a great memory!  You have these experiences - you just didn't write them down.

1789 - Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to a friend in which he said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."  Have you ever said this?  I have.

Parenting - If you live with princesses and you have created the situation you cannot complain.

Farquhar Group -  Hope I can find something else here:

The Main Islands

The main group forms a long curve that is the eastern side of the atoll with North Island and South Island the largest. The small Manaha islands are between the larger islands. To the south, is Goelettes and on the western side is a small group of islands called Three Islands.
There are two settlements on the group. The main settlement is on North Island and the other is on Providence Island. The group of islands have beautiful lagoons and the atolls provide secure anchorages from stormy seas, but there is no tourist accommodation on the islands. There is an airstrip on North Island that is serviced by charter aircraft from Mahe.
The Farquhar Islands are coralline, which is not very hospitable compared to the granitic islands of Seychelles. They were discovered in 1501 by Joao da Nova, a Portuguese explorer. The group of islands were under British control until 1976 when they became part of Seychelles at the time of independence.
The soil is infertile and there is not much fresh water on Farquhar Atoll, so it was never developed for human use. In spite of this, or maybe because of this, the atolls are a favourite holiday spot for people looking for some extraordinary fly fishing and deep sea fishing. The islands offer an exclusive experience for the few who visit.
The shallow water around the atolls gradually becomes deep, which is why it has some of the best fishing in the country. It is possible to hike around the islands, scuba dive, snorkel and surf along the beaches, but fishing is why most visitors come.
An angler fly fishing from the sand flats has a good chance of catching a bonefish, permit or even a giant trevally. Anglers stand in the water, thigh deep and cast their flies into the crystal clear turquoise sea. Most people visit the islands through a fishing tour package, and some packages include a live-aboard yacht.

Read more:

This is a fisherman's paradise!  I like the live aboard yacht thing myself!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12, 2014 Wednesday

Started with a short bit of kick boxing and then went to raccoon removal.  I'm sure I lost 5 lbs in adrenalin while getting that into Nicole's car. 

Isaiah chapter 40 - God sees the bigger picture.  We have a hard time seeing beyond ourselves and our own problems and achievements.  God sees the future and knows what becomes of us.  He has a bigger plan on a grander scale.  Trust him to have your best interests at heart.

On this day:
1999 - Nicole had hurt her finger playing basketball the night before so Grandma picked her up and took her to Dr Kim.  He of course ordered x-rays and I think it was cracked but not enough to cast it, which was good, because basketball season was not over.

1859 - The first flying trapeze act was performed by Jules Leotard at Cirque Napoleon in Paris, France. He was also the designer of the garment that is named after him. Here is a bit of useless information for you.

Parenting - I met them at the x-ray clinic.  She was 14 but still,  her little bone was broke.  Ok, I confess to being an over fretting mother.  Fortunately, as they get older you settle into a more relaxed state worrying about them all the time, or do you?

Farquar Islands
The Farquhar Group of Islands belong to the Outer Islands of Seychelles. They are 700 miles south west of Victoria, the capital city on Mahe Island. The Farquhar Group consists of one separate island and two atolls as well as one submerged reef. The group is made up of Farquhar Atoll that has two larger islands and eight small islets, Providence Atoll with two islets, which are Providence Island and Cerf Island, St. Pierre Island and Wizard Reef, which is submerged.
St. Pierre is surrounded with fossil coral cliffs that have been undercut and have many blowholes. Many caverns have been cut by the sea, so there is no fresh water on the atoll. It is almost impossible to access the island by sea, but there is a derelict jetty at a ruined settlement on the northwest coast that can only be accessed by boat in very calm weather.
The Farquhar Group and the Aldabra Group of islands are unusual because they have been submerged and emerged several times over the past tens of thousands of years. The last time they were submerged was about 125,000 years ago

Read more:  Well that is a little more interesting.  Expanded the search!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Have a beer with Scotty, it's his birthday!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 11, 2014 Tuesday Veteran's Day Thank a Vet for their service!

Pure and Simple Stretch with Karen.  She says its for relaxage.  ok.

Philippians chapter 2 - Do not grumble or argue.  Wow let's try that today.  So hard to do but it goes back to that following Jesus' example and I don't think he grumbled or argued.

On this day:
1995 - Nicole and I went and stayed at Ty and Norma's to take care of their African Grey Parrot named Jack.  He was pretty entertaining, but dangerous if he got a hold of you.  She had him for a number of years but was the only one that interacted with him.  He did talk in Ty's deep voice though.  "Good Morning Norma".  It was funny.  I love birds, but did you know parrots can live to be 100?  Something to think about before you buy one.

1831 - Nat Turner, a slave and educated minister, was hanged in Jerusalem, VA, after inciting a violent slave uprising.
1880 - Australian outlaw and bank robber Ned Kelly was hanged at the Melbourne jail at age 25. 
1887 - Labor Activists were hanged in Illinois after being convicted of being connected to a bombing that killed eight police officers  wow  I see a pattern here.

Parenting - Sometime, when you are in a restaurant with your two children it is impossible to foresee the two year old shrieking at the top of his lungs.  We can only imagine what spurred the event.  It's harder to figure out if you only have one child.

Farquhar Group:

Victoria, Seychelles


Victoria, Seychelles

Victoria is the capital city of the Seychelles and is situated on the north-eastern side of Mahé island, the archipelago's main island. The city was first established as the seat of the British colonial government. In 2009, the population of Greater Victoria was 25,000 out of the country's total population of 87,972. V...
 This looks more lively!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Veteran's Day - Buy a Vet lunch or a beer.

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014 Monday

Disco with Richard this morning.  I do not open the blinds when I do this one.  It was one thing to be caught lifting weights, but Travolta arms is not good to get caught at.  I have some dignity.

Matthew chapter 4 - This is where Jesus calls the first disciples.  They left their fishing and followed him.  The study writer said that in Judaism anyone who follows a rabbi acts like them ie, if they are hunched over and old and slow walking, the followers behind him are doing the same.  I did not know that.  It does enforce the message to us to be like Jesus.

On this day:
1988 - I was still working for Quality part time and on this day I worked the Frames and Framing store in Birmingham that they owned.  When there was a price change you would have to take down those 500 corner samples of frames and change the price on each one.  Yep, tedious.  But I liked being at the store.  All the artwork and designing framing was really quite fun.  Do you find tedious work relaxing sometime?  I do.

1988 - The U.S. Department of Energy announced that Texas would be the home of the atom-smashing super-collider. The project was cancelled by a vote of the U.S. Congress in Oct. 1993. What is that?  and did you know about it?  Sounds like a video game.

Parenting - At my nieces party on Saturday I was chatting with all the young women there (I was the oldest by a long shot).  They were a very engaging group and I really enjoyed the evening, maybe a little too much.  One girl asked me what I do now that I am retired.  Poor thing, I of course went into a long discourse about my involvements and social life.  Her reply to all that was Oh, you are a Christian.  What an honor to be recognized by what I do. 

Farquhar Group - hard to find anything new:

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!         Happy Birthday to Janet and Tim!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014 Sunday

Mom and I shared Genesis chapter 50 - After seeing Joseph and the Technicolor Coat on Friday night, I was surprised to see this story come up as the study for today.  How appropriate.  It is all about forgiveness.  Joseph knew that God had a hand in him being sold into Egypt as a slave by his brothers and that the end result were a lot of lives were saved because of it.  Reminds of another great story of salvation.

On this day:
1985 - I went to my 20th year high school reunion.  People sure change.  I wasn't really all the social in high school, so other then a few people I didn't know a lot of the rest.  My husband's aunt was a clothing designer and loaned me a beautiful, soft white leather dress that looked good even though I had had Nicole that year.  Now, 29 years later we are planning on the 50th reunion.  I wonder how many will be left, I know quite a few have passed on. 

1923 - In Munich, the Beer Hall Putsch was crushed by German troops that were loyal to the democratic government. The event began the evening before when Adolf Hitler took control of a beer hall full of Bavarian government leaders at gunpoint. And then this finally.
1989 - Communist East Germany opened its borders, allowing its citizens to travel freely to West Germany  Forgiveness

Parenting - Spent quality time with my daughter and my two nieces last night.  That's why I didn't attend church this morning.  What a bad example.

Farquhar Group
Farquhar Group.jpg
Farquhar Group:
Providence Atoll at the top, St. Pierre Island to the left and the Farquhar Atoll at the bottom
LocationIndian Ocean
Area11 km2 (4.2 sq mi)
Farquhar Group is located in Indian Ocean
Farquhar Group
Farquhar Group
Location of the Farquhar Group in the Indian Ocean
The Farquhar Group belong to the Outer Islands of the Seychelles, lying in the southwest of the island nation, more than 700 kilometres southwest of the capital, Victoria, on Mahé Isla


The total land area of all islands in the group is less than 11 km², but the total area of the atolls measures about 370 km².
The group consists of two atolls and one separate island. In addition, there is one separate submerged reef in the area:
  1. Farquhar Atoll (with two larger and about eight smaller islets)
  2. Providence Atoll (with 2 islets, Providence Island and Cerf Island)
  3. St. Pierre Island
  4. Wizard Reef (submerged)


There are only two settlements. The main settlement is on Île du Nord (North Island) of Farquhar Atoll, and the other one on Providence Island of Providence Atoll. There are records of Maldivian mariner presence in the group from the 20th century, when a trading vessel from southern Maldives lost its course and reached Providence Atoll.


The oonopid monotypic spider species Farqua quadrimaculata
is the only known spider that is endemic to the Farquhar Islands.  Almost out of info.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 8, 2014 Saturday

Just a little Yoga with Michelle today.  A lot of downward facing dog and warrior.  It's good.  Get you some!

Hebrews chapter 5 - Jesus the Great High Priest and not falling away.  We can get lazy about continuing our study of the Bible.  It tells you here to not be a baby and just drink the milk, but get your teeth into some serious Bible Study.  Grow your faith. I need to step it up too.

On this day:
1993 -  Mrs Keene, Nicole's teacher asked me to come to school.  Nicole was never a problem so I was concerned what she had to say.  She gave me her report card, which had all A's and 1 B, and told me Nicole was a perfect student.  I had shared earlier with her that Nicole's dad and I had split up and that he had moved away so that if she noticed any behavior problems she would let me know.  She told me she was quiet but didn't know if that was typical or a result of the change in home life.  I so appreciated her concern.

1993 - Five Picasso paintings and other artwork were stolen from the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm, Sweden. The works were valued at $52 million.  Wonder if they were recovered.

Parenting - Nicole had a lot of good teachers, all of them actually.  I don't remember any that she really didn't like.  Mrs Keene had a reputation and some of Nicole's friends parents requested other teachers that year.  I think children need to accustom themselves to different people and situations so that they can deal with the multitude of differences they will run into in life.  Mrs Keene was a neat freak,  blow your nose and wash your hands, kind of person.  I didn't see a problem with that.

Book - I'm getting excited as I see the direction I want to go in here.  It may never sell, but at least I will accomplish this.

Farquhar Group -  Ok, so imagine being on a deserted island and eating fish for a month.
Go to The Amazing Seychelles on youtube.  Now there is a place in the group that looks like a great vacation spot!  I'll go!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Chris and Robyn!

Friday, November 7, 2014

November 7, 2014 Friday

Kick Boxing with Michelle this morning!  Don't hear as much about this type of exercise anymore.

Revelations chapter 22 - Eden Restored.  Think about going back to the Garden of Eden, living in a perfect world, no pain, no worries, no hate.  Believe and be saved.

On this day:
1992  Mark and I went to see the Barbershop show that his dad was in.  Dad belonged to the Grosse Pointe chapter of the Barbershop Choir.  It was a beautiful experience to hear those voices harmonizing all the great songs.  Glad I have some of these on video, great memories.

1637 - Anne Hutchinson, the first female religious leader in the American colonies, was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for heresy There must be a book written on this, sounds like it would be interesting.

Parenting - Some childhood's are not as good as others.  Imagine being raised 10 years in an orphanage in the Russia, adopted by Americans into a home with an overbearing brother, the same age and then dispensed to another relative because he wasn't wanted anymore.  Now a teenager looking for a best friend, and the ones I see talking to him on fb aren't what appear to be "good" friends.  Suggestions?

Farquhar Group:
  • Bancs de Sable
  • This map shows only the Farquhar Atoll and not the entire Farquhar Group

    See also[edit]

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

    Thursday, November 6, 2014

    November 6, 2014 Thursday

    Ballet is a lot of work, try to hold you one leg up horizontal to your body, then bend at the knee, still holding the thigh parallel and do circles with the dangling leg, without moving the rest of your body. You can hold onto a bar or chair for support.  Good luck.

    Job chapter 39 -" I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made".  We are created in His image and in charge of all of his creation on earth.  How are we doing?

    On this day:
    1990 - I was Superintendent of the Sunday School, taught sunday school and was the Outreach Director at our church.  It was a small congregation with all the typical problems of any organization.  There were jobs to be done and no one wanted to do them.  The treasurer for the church could no longer do the job and the Pastor called me to take it on.  He pleaded with me.  For a Missouri Synod Lutheran church I had a lot of key position jobs.  But I still couldn't vote on council, just the elders did that, but I had a lot of pull with those elders as well.  Have you been railroaded into jobs you didn't want?  Sometime their is a hidden agenda in what we do.

    1989 - In the hopes of freeing U.S. hostages held in Iran, the U.S. announced that it would unfreeze $567 million in Iranian assets that had been held since 1979. What is the life of an American worth?

    Parenting - My cousin Cathy sent me some blips from old OLD videos.  I might have been 2 and 4 and the last one 6 or so.  It is amazing to see, especially my grandparents and dad who are long gone.  What a thrill.


    This is an 8 minute video of a French guy fishing in beautiful clear water with background music.
    Hey maybe you will like it.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Pete!  rip

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    November 5, 2014 Wednesday

    10 Minute solutions - Pilates with Michelle.

    Genesis - chapter 32 Is about Jacob going to seek forgiveness from his brother Esau.  Jacob prayed to God when he heard Esau was coming to meet him with 400 men.  Sounds bad.  Jacob knew he had done wrong, he didn't deserve forgiveness from God or Esau.  He was safe with God because God's forgiveness comes from his goodness, not yours. 

    On this day:
    1988 -  It seems like I have had this roof reshingled 100 times in the 38 years I have lived here.  On this day, we were having the work done, it had been stripped and covered with a lot of plastic and tarps, but we had a huge rain and the water ran right down the inside wall in the living room while we were watching TV.  If you know my track record I have had a lot of bad luck with contractors.  I must have THAT face.

    1844 - In California, a grizzly bear underwent a successful cataract operation at the Zoological Garden I wonder if they put the corrective lens in?

    Parenting - I was looking forward to playing with Abel today.  He unfortunately is sick and I have to take Mom to her Hope Circle meeting at church instead.  Much more fun playing with a 2 year old. 

    Farquhar -  really a stretch to find info for here.  Hope you could open the Youtube from yesterday it was a neat airplane view of the atolls of Farquhar Group.

     Comprising the islands of Farquhar, Providence and St. Pierre, Farquhar Atoll lies 770 km south south west of Victoria, covering an area of about 17,800 hectares. The atoll comprises of 10 islands. Two main islands are North and south island, these are separated by 3 small islands called the Manahas. There is no accommodation on any islands of the Farquhar group.  Bring a tent!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Tuesday, November 4, 2014

    November 4, 2014 Tuesday Election Day! go vote!

    Did some Boot Camp with Michelle today.  Calisthenics, push ups, sit ups, weight training and jumping jacks.  I don't do those, it makes everything in the room jiggle.

    Mark chapter 4 - Jesus calms the storm.  I can never hear this enough.  It is a short story, but encompasses so much.  When you think He is sleeping, he is still there, watching over you.

    On this day;
    1986 - Marty was down in Key West and called with an update on the World Offshore Race results.  There are 3 days of races and 7 days of partying.  I still have friends that are down there, this week, and I'm sure Marty is there in spirit.  Be kind to yourselves Norma and Sherry, good luck to Pat and Ty.  If I had the freedom and $ I would be there too.

    1847 - Scottish obstetrician James Young Simpson discovered the anethestic qualities of chloroform. Those Scots are so smart.  Notice he was an obstetrician?  he had experienced many labor rooms. "Give them drugs!"

    Parenting - I love those tests on facebook.  Who were you in your last life? What does your name mean?  What animal are you?  Today it was What kind of mother are you?  I got devoted. Well of course.  But then I do know some women that aren't and I don't understand why.

    Farquhar - Imagine being on a deserted island for a month. 

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dad! 

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    November 3, 2014 Monday

    Pilates this morning.  How limber are you?  Can you touch your toes.... without bending your legs?  It is important to keep limber.  Pilates can do that for you.  This CD is only a 20 minute workout, I feel it is sufficient for me.

    Psalm 30 - This is David - a song for the dedication of the temple.  David did not have the advantage of Jesus, so he had a different relationship with God.  Things are different after Jesus, do you think so?  Seems like David was ultimately concerned with his life and what he had on earth.  As Christians we thank God for what we have, but look forward to the gifts of heaven.

    On this day:
    1986 - I had 4 huge ash trees in my yard, plus my neighbor had 3 or 4 trees also.  When we raked leaves it was an all day, lot of bags event.  Nicole was only a year and a half, a great time for playing in piles of leaves.  My brother Mark was over also, it was shortly after that we lost him to a heart attack.  Makes the thought of this day so much sweeter.

    1986 - The Ash-Shiraa, pro-Syrian Lebanese magazine, first broke the story of U.S. arms sales to Iran to secure the release of seven American hostages. The story turned into the Iran-Contra affair. We are our own worse enemy, are we not?

    Parenting - I remember all the tricks, playing in the leaves, the fresh air to tire them out so they would sleep better, us too.  If that failed go for a car ride, just to get a nap in. 

    Farquhar - going to be hard to dig up info on this place.


    The oonopid monotypic spider species Farqua quadrimaculata is the only known spider that is endemic to the Farquhar Islands.[2]  I told you!!!

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Sunday, November 2, 2014

    November 2, 2014 Sunday End of Daylight Saving Time

    Revelation - All Saints day celebrated today.  We are all saints, hard to believe, but true - saved by Jesus Christ.  God needs his saints to do his work here in his creation.  Love your neighbor, help the homeless, feed the poor.  "Oh, when the saints....go marching in......

    On this day:
    1979 - I know I worked a lot of 2nd jobs, but I forgot this one.  I bartended for private parties.  I had to wear black dress pants and a white shirt.  This party was at a hotel suite, downtown Detroit and very formal.  I don't think I lasted long at this, probably too social and a heavy hand at pouring.

    1979 - Joanna Chesimard, a black militant escaped from a New Jersey prison, where she'd been serving a life sentence for the 1973 murder of a New Jersey state trooper.  While I was bartending.  Wonder if they caught her, it doesn't say they did.

    Parenting - Friends and I were driving to dinner at the Blue Nile last night.  We were talking of their offspring.  Their oldest works on ships and is gone for long periods of time.  He used to spend a few days with them before he left, now its hours.  The daughter has announced her engagement and set the date for next Halloween, with costumes.  And their youngest son just purchased his first brand new car.  I love to see the progression in parent/child lives, so interesting.

    New locale!!!!   Farquhar Group:
    File:Farquhar Group.jpg  Not too much to see.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Saturday, November 1, 2014

    November 1, 2014 Saturday

    Walked around Eastern Market this morning.  Ah fresh air and produce!  Great start to the day!

    Ephesians - Mom and I shared chapter 2 God had a plan to join all his people to himself through Jesus Christ.  The study writer likened all the people of the world to a giant mosaic.  What a beautiful thought!  I love to be in a place with a lot of diverse people, like Eastern Market.

    On this day:
    1967 - This is for you Christine, we went and looked at your new house.  In Sherwood Forest?  That house holds a lot of memories.  It was a very nice 3 bedroom brick colonial, on the corner, (we all make that mistake once), in a great neighborhood.  We were pretty young.  A word to the wise, never buy a corner lot, soooo much snow removal. 

    1979 - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini urged all Iranians to demonstrate on November 4 and to expand their attacks against the U.S. and Israel. On November 4, Iranian militants seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 63 Americans hostage. Not everyone wants to be part of the mosaic.

    Parenting - Loved to see all the trick or treaters last night.  We only had maybe 30 last night, as compared to the 60 - 90 we usually get.  Bad weather does that.  Anyone want some Halloween candy?

    We have moved to a secluded spot where I can sit and write my book, uninterrupted.

    The Farquhar Group belong to the Outer Islands of the Seychelles, lying in the southwest of the island nation, more than 700 kilometres southwest of the capital, Victoria, on Mahé Island.


    The total land area of all islands in the group is less than 11 km², but the total area of the atolls measures about 370 km².
    The group consists of two atolls and one separate island. In addition, there is one separate submerged reef in the area:
    1. Farquhar Atoll (with two larger and about eight smaller islets)
    2. Providence Atoll (with 2 islets, Providence Island and Cerf Island)
    3. St. Pierre Island
    4. Wizard Reef (submerged)


    There are only two settlements. The main settlement is on Île du Nord (North Island) of Farquhar Atoll, and the other one on Providence Island of Providence Atoll. There are records of Maldivian mariner presence in the group from the 20th century, when a trading vessel from southern Maldives lost its course and reached Providence Atoll.[1] 

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!