Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24, 2014 Monday

Pilates with a resistance ring.  Slow start for the week, but something.

1 Peter chapter 1 - About bearing grief and God caring about your sorrow.  The study writer said "These indications of God's presence during trials on earth affirm God's promise of the living hope awaiting us at the resurrection."  I like that.

On this day;
2013 - Last year Nicole had started attending services at Christ Lutheran church and I went with her quite often.  She played guitar with Evan, their music director at the contemporary service.  I love both the traditional and contemporary music of the church.  Later that day Don came over and a group of us went to The Blue Goose and heard different music, swing/jazz/easy listening by Planet D Nonet.  They are a great group we enjoy their music.  I think music - all music is a gift from God for our ears and our souls.

1615 - French King Louis XIII married Ann of Austria. They were both 14 years old.  For parents this solves a lot of problems, right?

Parenting - Have you signed the kids up for music lessons?  It seems to me that kids that learn to read music and play any instrument are ahead of the game.  The discipline of practice and the joy of accomplishment seem to enhance a person's personality.  Am I wrong?  Of the adults you know how many play some type of instrument - piano, guitar, drums (God forbid)?  I took guitar lessons as an adult, I would have benefited more from dance lessons I think.  Nicole learned to play guitar from Aunt Jan, but mostly on her own.  She enjoys it I think and it has given her an outlet to her inner talent. (She did want a drum set).  The guitar is so much more portable.

Farquhar Group - Seychelles;

Lets take a sail today here!  Looks good huh?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sandy!

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