Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22, 2014 Saturday

A.M. yoga.  Probably don't need to tell you how much I love this.  It makes getting out of bed at 6:30 am to feed the cat worth while.

Psalm 6 - Sounds so mournful.  David having another bad day with his enemies.  It''s hard to be king.  So two lessons here, don't make enemies and trust in the Lord to make you feel better if you are sad.

On this day:
2007 - This day was Thanksgiving in this year.  Nicole worked at Moosejaw and had to work on Thanksgiving.  The nature of the business this time of year and they were just online orders to be shipped.  We had a later dinner and Jan joined us, so it was small  but Thanksgiving with all the trimmings none the less.  We are blessed, so many have much less.

1718 - English pirate Edward Teach (a.k.a. "Blackbeard") was killed during a battle off the coast of North Carolina. British soldiers cornered him aboard his ship and killed him. He was shot and stabbed more than 25 times.  This goes back to the Bible Study for the day. (It is also the day JFK was killed.)  Hard to know your enemies sometime. But if you are a pirate you kind of have to expect this.

Parenting - Even cats need parenting.  Our should have been sent to military school as a small cat.  He is getting better, or I am getting faster, not sure which.  We still love Nola and the training goes on.

Book Club - Have to read Nehemiah for Grace Circle on Monday.

Farquhar Group and Seychelles - I'm really liking this virtual mind trip to the islands:
Heaps of rubbish
The exploration of the eastern and windward coasts of the North and South Island, both of which are important sea turtle nesting and juvenile bird flight training sites, led to the team being left shocked and dismayed by the distressing amount of marine debris being washed up on the beaches.
The team reported being especially concerned by the presence of plastic bags, fishing lines and FADs, which threaten both marine creatures and birdlife in the area. The ICS team on Alphonse recently revealed to SNA the increasing threat that FADs pose to conservation efforts on the outer islands.
"Those beaches sadly spoiled by human debris are a critical nesting habitat for sea turtles," Aurélie told SNA, adding that the ICS would need to work closely with its partners to clean up some 18 kilometres of shoreline from the vast quantities of litter.
It is likely that the sea trash could be originating from the Indian Ocean Garbage Patch, a vast collection of floating plastics, discarded fishing equipment and broken-down pieces of plastic polymers that pose a huge threat to the fish, marine mammals and birds who often mistake them for food.
The rubbish accumulates loosely in large 'gyres' throughout the world's oceans, collected in a circular pattern by ocean currents. Some pieces eventually wash up on nearby shores, leading to land pollution of pristine beaches such as the ones in the Farquhar atoll.  Hey it's not our trash, right?  Clean up the world, wherever you can.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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