Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10, 2014 Monday

Disco with Richard this morning.  I do not open the blinds when I do this one.  It was one thing to be caught lifting weights, but Travolta arms is not good to get caught at.  I have some dignity.

Matthew chapter 4 - This is where Jesus calls the first disciples.  They left their fishing and followed him.  The study writer said that in Judaism anyone who follows a rabbi acts like them ie, if they are hunched over and old and slow walking, the followers behind him are doing the same.  I did not know that.  It does enforce the message to us to be like Jesus.

On this day:
1988 - I was still working for Quality part time and on this day I worked the Frames and Framing store in Birmingham that they owned.  When there was a price change you would have to take down those 500 corner samples of frames and change the price on each one.  Yep, tedious.  But I liked being at the store.  All the artwork and designing framing was really quite fun.  Do you find tedious work relaxing sometime?  I do.

1988 - The U.S. Department of Energy announced that Texas would be the home of the atom-smashing super-collider. The project was cancelled by a vote of the U.S. Congress in Oct. 1993. What is that?  and did you know about it?  Sounds like a video game.

Parenting - At my nieces party on Saturday I was chatting with all the young women there (I was the oldest by a long shot).  They were a very engaging group and I really enjoyed the evening, maybe a little too much.  One girl asked me what I do now that I am retired.  Poor thing, I of course went into a long discourse about my involvements and social life.  Her reply to all that was Oh, you are a Christian.  What an honor to be recognized by what I do. 

Farquhar Group - hard to find anything new:

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!         Happy Birthday to Janet and Tim!

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