Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30, 2014 Sunday Wow! where did this month go?

Taking Mom to church this morning to get our Bible on.  Yay God!

On this day:
1975 - This is why I exercise and strengthen my back.  I had gone to Mom's for dinner and when I got home I thru out my back exercising.  I was only 28 then, but worked out at random things on a random basis.  It works better to stay on a regular something/anything schedule.  I heard the other day it is important to vary the workouts, ie. run, weights, dance, yoga, pilates etc. 

Parenting - Wow, got a heavy dose of this last night at Lindsey and Scotts 2nd Annual Christmas party.  There must have been 30 children under 10 and all of their parents plus.  What a great time and how wonderful to see the different generations enjoying the noise and confusion together.  It is like a giant recharge to me.  I loved the line of (5) boys on the couch on their electronics and the smaller children engrossed in the movie "Polar Express"  with all the holiday trim around them.  I loved the little guy (3 yrs old) that kept coming over and starting a fight with me so I would tickle him.  Jesus loves the little children!

Travelers!  We are moving today from the tropical, beautiful atolls and islands of Farquhar Group to Gwalior India.  It looks like an equally beautiful but different place.  Let's see!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kristin and Sarah!

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