Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 5, 2014 Wednesday

10 Minute solutions - Pilates with Michelle.

Genesis - chapter 32 Is about Jacob going to seek forgiveness from his brother Esau.  Jacob prayed to God when he heard Esau was coming to meet him with 400 men.  Sounds bad.  Jacob knew he had done wrong, he didn't deserve forgiveness from God or Esau.  He was safe with God because God's forgiveness comes from his goodness, not yours. 

On this day:
1988 -  It seems like I have had this roof reshingled 100 times in the 38 years I have lived here.  On this day, we were having the work done, it had been stripped and covered with a lot of plastic and tarps, but we had a huge rain and the water ran right down the inside wall in the living room while we were watching TV.  If you know my track record I have had a lot of bad luck with contractors.  I must have THAT face.

1844 - In California, a grizzly bear underwent a successful cataract operation at the Zoological Garden I wonder if they put the corrective lens in?

Parenting - I was looking forward to playing with Abel today.  He unfortunately is sick and I have to take Mom to her Hope Circle meeting at church instead.  Much more fun playing with a 2 year old. 

Farquhar -  really a stretch to find info for here.  Hope you could open the Youtube from yesterday it was a neat airplane view of the atolls of Farquhar Group.

 Comprising the islands of Farquhar, Providence and St. Pierre, Farquhar Atoll lies 770 km south south west of Victoria, covering an area of about 17,800 hectares. The atoll comprises of 10 islands. Two main islands are North and south island, these are separated by 3 small islands called the Manahas. There is no accommodation on any islands of the Farquhar group.  Bring a tent!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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