Friday, November 7, 2014

November 7, 2014 Friday

Kick Boxing with Michelle this morning!  Don't hear as much about this type of exercise anymore.

Revelations chapter 22 - Eden Restored.  Think about going back to the Garden of Eden, living in a perfect world, no pain, no worries, no hate.  Believe and be saved.

On this day:
1992  Mark and I went to see the Barbershop show that his dad was in.  Dad belonged to the Grosse Pointe chapter of the Barbershop Choir.  It was a beautiful experience to hear those voices harmonizing all the great songs.  Glad I have some of these on video, great memories.

1637 - Anne Hutchinson, the first female religious leader in the American colonies, was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for heresy There must be a book written on this, sounds like it would be interesting.

Parenting - Some childhood's are not as good as others.  Imagine being raised 10 years in an orphanage in the Russia, adopted by Americans into a home with an overbearing brother, the same age and then dispensed to another relative because he wasn't wanted anymore.  Now a teenager looking for a best friend, and the ones I see talking to him on fb aren't what appear to be "good" friends.  Suggestions?

Farquhar Group:
  • Bancs de Sable
  • This map shows only the Farquhar Atoll and not the entire Farquhar Group

    See also[edit]

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

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