Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17, 2014 Monday

Did a combination of stretches and yoga positions to keep the old muscles moving.  On Saturday I had done a lot of leg exercises and even with my constant regimen I get sore, which tells me I have to do more.  Don't back off if you get sore, do something to keep moving, it will feel better sooner that way.

Ephesians chapter 6 - Put on your armor of God.  Your belt of truth, the breastplate of righteous ness, and take your stand of peace.  Pick up your shield of faith to ward off the flaming arrows of evil and wear your helmet of salvation which is the word of God.  Now you are ready for the day.

On this day:
1997 - If you think it is unseasonably cold here in Michigan today - or down in Texas.  On this day it was in the 20's and got up to 30 in 97.  The guys worked in the shop, as opposed to outside as a construction company would usually be doing today.  So our temperatures today are not that unusual.  What was unusual that day was Alice and Lindsey, Mom, Nicole and I went to the Cloverleaf Pizza place on Gratiot for dinner.  I guess Andy was at work, and maybe Merri too.  That is still a great place to eat!  Put it on your calendar!

1997 - 62 people were killed by 6 Islamic militants outside the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt. The attackers were killed by police. This long slow war is taking its toll on peace, maybe we need more armor.

Parenting - It might have been a fundraiser we went to Cloverleaf for.  We all try to support the scouts with cookies and popcorn, the bands with bottle collection and this time of year food collections.  Another thing you can do is give blood, it is my newest act of sharing.

Farquhar Group and Seychelles;

Seychelles Bird Watching

Seychelles Bird Watching
Those looking to do a little bird watching in Seychelles will be rewarded with a destination that provides a myriad of exciting opportunities. Migrants, vagrants, sea birds, and land birds are all found inhabiting the Seychelles, which is a sort of African Galapagos in many regards. While you might not find the greatest variety of bird species here, a good amount of the Seychelles birds are quite rare, being endemic just to the Seychelles. These are some of the planet's rarest endemic birds, so what Seychelles birding amounts to, more or less, is quality over quantity. One of the best things about bird watching in Seychelles is the fact that you don't necessarily have to arrange a special tour to do so. While you enjoy such renowned reserves as the Vallee de Mai on Praslin Island, and the Veuve Reserve on La Digue, you'll be able to casually spot some unique avian species as you go. If Seychelles bird watching is the focus of your Seychelles vacation, then you can by all means plan your trip around it with special tours and such.   This sounds great!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jon!

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