Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2, 2014 Sunday End of Daylight Saving Time

Revelation - All Saints day celebrated today.  We are all saints, hard to believe, but true - saved by Jesus Christ.  God needs his saints to do his work here in his creation.  Love your neighbor, help the homeless, feed the poor.  "Oh, when the saints....go marching in......

On this day:
1979 - I know I worked a lot of 2nd jobs, but I forgot this one.  I bartended for private parties.  I had to wear black dress pants and a white shirt.  This party was at a hotel suite, downtown Detroit and very formal.  I don't think I lasted long at this, probably too social and a heavy hand at pouring.

1979 - Joanna Chesimard, a black militant escaped from a New Jersey prison, where she'd been serving a life sentence for the 1973 murder of a New Jersey state trooper.  While I was bartending.  Wonder if they caught her, it doesn't say they did.

Parenting - Friends and I were driving to dinner at the Blue Nile last night.  We were talking of their offspring.  Their oldest works on ships and is gone for long periods of time.  He used to spend a few days with them before he left, now its hours.  The daughter has announced her engagement and set the date for next Halloween, with costumes.  And their youngest son just purchased his first brand new car.  I love to see the progression in parent/child lives, so interesting.

New locale!!!!   Farquhar Group:
File:Farquhar Group.jpg  Not too much to see.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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