Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014 Thursday

I have myself convinced that I will feel like crap if I don't work out first thing everyday.  After 20 + years of exercising, it is a habit, like washing your face and brushing your teeth.  I do not feel the energy if I don't workout, even if its 10 or 15 minutes or longer.  It is something.  So do yourself a favor, find something to do everyday.  Do 10 repetitions of curls with weights or 10 deep knee bends.  Tell yourself it's for you.  I did 10 minutes of ab workout with Denise Austin today.  I want this feeling of hey!  I can do 100+ ab exercises and I am 67.  Feel better!  Great for depression!

Galatians chapter 4 - We are heirs to the kingdom. Before Jesus Christ we were slaves/children to a faith that we did not adopt.  Now because of Jesus, we have been adopted into the faith and made children of a awesome, loving God.

On this day:
2004 - Those were the days!  I went to Albion and spent the weekend with Nicole, we went to the football game then went to Jackson to Lone Star for dinner and followed up with a "mentalist" at the community center at school.  He was really good, I can't imagine how he did the mind reading things he did, unless it was fixed.  What a great memory!  You have these experiences - you just didn't write them down.

1789 - Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to a friend in which he said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes."  Have you ever said this?  I have.

Parenting - If you live with princesses and you have created the situation you cannot complain.

Farquhar Group -  Hope I can find something else here:

The Main Islands

The main group forms a long curve that is the eastern side of the atoll with North Island and South Island the largest. The small Manaha islands are between the larger islands. To the south, is Goelettes and on the western side is a small group of islands called Three Islands.
There are two settlements on the group. The main settlement is on North Island and the other is on Providence Island. The group of islands have beautiful lagoons and the atolls provide secure anchorages from stormy seas, but there is no tourist accommodation on the islands. There is an airstrip on North Island that is serviced by charter aircraft from Mahe.
The Farquhar Islands are coralline, which is not very hospitable compared to the granitic islands of Seychelles. They were discovered in 1501 by Joao da Nova, a Portuguese explorer. The group of islands were under British control until 1976 when they became part of Seychelles at the time of independence.
The soil is infertile and there is not much fresh water on Farquhar Atoll, so it was never developed for human use. In spite of this, or maybe because of this, the atolls are a favourite holiday spot for people looking for some extraordinary fly fishing and deep sea fishing. The islands offer an exclusive experience for the few who visit.
The shallow water around the atolls gradually becomes deep, which is why it has some of the best fishing in the country. It is possible to hike around the islands, scuba dive, snorkel and surf along the beaches, but fishing is why most visitors come.
An angler fly fishing from the sand flats has a good chance of catching a bonefish, permit or even a giant trevally. Anglers stand in the water, thigh deep and cast their flies into the crystal clear turquoise sea. Most people visit the islands through a fishing tour package, and some packages include a live-aboard yacht.

Read more:

This is a fisherman's paradise!  I like the live aboard yacht thing myself!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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