Saturday, November 15, 2014

November 15, 2014 Saturday

Richard and I did some Tone and Stretch today.  Maybe you have heard on TV that Richard Simmons hasn't been seen in a year or so.  Well even the best exercisers are faced with injury or illnesses that get them down.  It is not failsafe.  But he was found still doing exercises with a group seated in chairs.  Where there is a will there is a way.  Keep moving!

Proverbs chapter 30 - This line "Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, Who is the Lord?"  Don't be that person that forgets the Lord because he has all he needs, it can all be gone in a snap.

On this day:
1986 - Nicole was a year and a half and my brother Mark was starting early teaching her Jingle Bells.  He would sing the part Jingle Bells  Jingle Bells Jingle All the way and then wait and Nicole would say Hey!  and he would continue on. It is an important memory because he never made it to Christmas, he died at 29 the day after Thanksgiving.  Glad he had that time with Nicole.

1986 - A government tribunal in Nicaragua convicted American Eugene Hasenfus of charges related to his role in delivering arms to Contra rebels. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison and was pardoned a month later.  I don't understand this, can someone enlighten me?

Parenting - Spent the morning with a bunch (31) Inner city youth at a Life Builders day camp.  I do love the children, their faces are so expectant, so curious and yet cautious.  After a time they are warmed up to you and they are leaning on you, sitting on your feet and petting your hair.  Hard to not give up your heart.  Love to feed them, it answers that to call to mother in all of us.

Farquhar Group:

The Lodge

The lodge on Farquhar has a main house that is completely air conditioned. It has five, double en suite rooms with plenty of hot water and daily laundry service. There is only accommodation for ten guests at one time.
The dining area is right on the edge of the water and the chef makes both Creole and international dishes for breakfast and dinner. A packed lunch is given to the anglers to take with them, so they need not return to the lodge for lunch. Bottled mineral water and soft drinks are included, and there is a good selection of beer and wine to purchase. Guests can also bring their own bottles.

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Oh man!  I really want to be there right now!!!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  RIP Charley

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