Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014 Friday

Suzanne Deason and I did some Pilates this morning. 

Matthew chapter 13 - The parable of the sower.  It is about listening but not hearing.  For some people it is a matter of not paying attention for others it is beyond their grasp, they will never understand.  I hope that when it comes to faith you pay attention and understand.  Faith and spirituality are linked but not a given.  The study writer likened it to being at a family dinner but being on your cell phone.

On this day;
2006 - Nicole's friend Craig came over in his new car.  It was a 2004 blue Saturn Ion.  When you get a new car you want to show it off, take someone for a ride.  Her friend Jameson came over a couple months ago to show off  his new car to her.  Go buy a new car and show it off!  Come over here and take me for a ride!

On this day go to and go to Ellis Island to see how many of our ancestors came through customs to this country.  Much different then the 5 million that are coming in today.  I have mixed feelings about this.  I would like to see many of those people allowed in, some Mexican's I am very fond of, but it is also opening a can of worms they won't be able to contain again.  Many added to health care and welfare that we will pick up the bill on.

Parenting - We all want a better life for our families.  My Mom's family came from Germany when she was 18 months old, through Ellis Island.  My grandfather was thrilled to be in America, but the times were hard and they existed on little but missed World War 2 in Germany.  My Dad's family came through Canada he was a teenager, they were from Scotland.  They fared better then Mom's family but are all happy to be here.  Being a first generation American I appreciate that my daughter lives in the best country in the world.

Farquhar Group - that being said lets see more of the islands!
Victoria, Seychelles — (Seychelles News Agency) - Conservation officers working to establish the first conservation centre on the Farquhar group of islands in the Seychelles archipelago consider themselves fortunate to be stationed on one of the most beautiful and remote places on earth.
However, Aurélie Duhec and her small team from the Island Conservation Society (ICS) are facing an uphill battle against a never-ending torrent of sea trash and fish aggregation devices (FADs) washing up on the pristine powder-white beaches of the atoll.
Discovered in 1501 by Portuguese explorers, the Farquhar atoll was named after Robert Townsend Farquhar, the first British Governor of Mauritius, in 1824. It is one of the largest atolls in the Seychelles archipelago of 115 islands, covering an area of about 17,800 hectares.
Comprised of ten islands, Farquhar is the most southerly point of Seychelles and is closer to Madagascar than the main inhabited island of Mahé. The two main islands, North and South islands, are by far the largest, making up 97 percent of the atoll's total land mass.
The atoll is considered as a very important bird area with an abundance of nesting seabird species. The ICS believes that there is still a lot to be discovered on the group of islands, and has received funds from the GEF (Global Environment Facility) to set up a conservation centre for monitoring and research purposes.
Heaps of rubbish  I will post the rest of this tomorrow SEA TRASH is a huge problem.  Is there no end to our destructive capabilities?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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