Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 1, 2014 Saturday

Walked around Eastern Market this morning.  Ah fresh air and produce!  Great start to the day!

Ephesians - Mom and I shared chapter 2 God had a plan to join all his people to himself through Jesus Christ.  The study writer likened all the people of the world to a giant mosaic.  What a beautiful thought!  I love to be in a place with a lot of diverse people, like Eastern Market.

On this day:
1967 - This is for you Christine, we went and looked at your new house.  In Sherwood Forest?  That house holds a lot of memories.  It was a very nice 3 bedroom brick colonial, on the corner, (we all make that mistake once), in a great neighborhood.  We were pretty young.  A word to the wise, never buy a corner lot, soooo much snow removal. 

1979 - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini urged all Iranians to demonstrate on November 4 and to expand their attacks against the U.S. and Israel. On November 4, Iranian militants seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 63 Americans hostage. Not everyone wants to be part of the mosaic.

Parenting - Loved to see all the trick or treaters last night.  We only had maybe 30 last night, as compared to the 60 - 90 we usually get.  Bad weather does that.  Anyone want some Halloween candy?

We have moved to a secluded spot where I can sit and write my book, uninterrupted.

The Farquhar Group belong to the Outer Islands of the Seychelles, lying in the southwest of the island nation, more than 700 kilometres southwest of the capital, Victoria, on Mahé Island.


The total land area of all islands in the group is less than 11 km², but the total area of the atolls measures about 370 km².
The group consists of two atolls and one separate island. In addition, there is one separate submerged reef in the area:
  1. Farquhar Atoll (with two larger and about eight smaller islets)
  2. Providence Atoll (with 2 islets, Providence Island and Cerf Island)
  3. St. Pierre Island
  4. Wizard Reef (submerged)


There are only two settlements. The main settlement is on Île du Nord (North Island) of Farquhar Atoll, and the other one on Providence Island of Providence Atoll. There are records of Maldivian mariner presence in the group from the 20th century, when a trading vessel from southern Maldives lost its course and reached Providence Atoll.[1] 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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