Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20, 2014 Thursday

Have a sheet of weight lifting and moves to strengthen the back.  Good thing had to go out and shovel the snow after that.  I wouldn't have but I couldn't find my newspaper.  I guess my paperboy didn't get out of bed.

James Chapter 2 - This is somewhat contradictory to what us Lutherans believe, which is why some Lutherans are slackers about doing good works.  We believe we are saved by faith, not by works.  Which I believe to be true.  But if you truly believe in what Jesus says and have faith in who he is why would you think you don't have to act on your faith by helping others? 

On this day;
2005 - We had started going up to Roscommon for Thanksgiving so I invited Jan McCarthy over for Thanksgiving dinner the Sunday before.  As life changes so does who you have holidays with.  If you know someone that has been left out of dinner for next Thursday, consider inviting them over.  Jan lives in Florida now, (lucky).

1873 - Budapest was formed when the rival cities of Buda and Pest were united to form the capital of Hungary.  Wow. another no brainer. :)

Parenting - Families are fragile.  Gone are the days when Ma and Pa live in a great big farm house and EVERYONE goes to their house for Thanksgiving.  Now they split their time between his family and her family.  Maybe the kids are with you or they are at your Ex's this year.  Many members have moved out of state and can't always get back.  The original Thanksgiving was with the community, neighbors and Indians.  Maybe we need to think more about that. 

Farquhar Group and Seychelles - I would like to go here for Thanksgiving.

Farquhar Atoll is the most southerly atoll in the Seychelles chain of islands lying just over 700km to the southwest of the main island Mahe. This remote atoll has a total area, including the large lagoon, of 170.5 km² which is 18 km north to south and 9 km east to west. The total island land mass is 7.5 km² with a serviced concrete landing strip situated on the most northerly island. The main group of islands form a long curve which describes the eastern side of the atoll. Largest of these are Isle du Nord and Ile du Sud, with the smaller Manaha gaps and islands between them. Further south is Goelette and to the open western side of the atoll lies the small group known as Trois Îles. The large ear-shaped lagoon provides easy access to the countless flats, channels and surf zones which make Farquhar such a diverse fishery. The flats consist of hard white sand, turtle grass and broken coral which make for comfortable wading. Farquhar has a small population of local Seychellois, whose main roles are running a small line-fish operation as well as acting as a skeleton crew which manage the island and service the airstrip.  I am telling you!  We should go!  Anyone have a good recipe for stuffed fish?

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Mary!

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