Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014 Sunday

Mom and I shared Genesis chapter 50 - After seeing Joseph and the Technicolor Coat on Friday night, I was surprised to see this story come up as the study for today.  How appropriate.  It is all about forgiveness.  Joseph knew that God had a hand in him being sold into Egypt as a slave by his brothers and that the end result were a lot of lives were saved because of it.  Reminds of another great story of salvation.

On this day:
1985 - I went to my 20th year high school reunion.  People sure change.  I wasn't really all the social in high school, so other then a few people I didn't know a lot of the rest.  My husband's aunt was a clothing designer and loaned me a beautiful, soft white leather dress that looked good even though I had had Nicole that year.  Now, 29 years later we are planning on the 50th reunion.  I wonder how many will be left, I know quite a few have passed on. 

1923 - In Munich, the Beer Hall Putsch was crushed by German troops that were loyal to the democratic government. The event began the evening before when Adolf Hitler took control of a beer hall full of Bavarian government leaders at gunpoint. And then this finally.
1989 - Communist East Germany opened its borders, allowing its citizens to travel freely to West Germany  Forgiveness

Parenting - Spent quality time with my daughter and my two nieces last night.  That's why I didn't attend church this morning.  What a bad example.

Farquhar Group
Farquhar Group.jpg
Farquhar Group:
Providence Atoll at the top, St. Pierre Island to the left and the Farquhar Atoll at the bottom
LocationIndian Ocean
Area11 km2 (4.2 sq mi)
Farquhar Group is located in Indian Ocean
Farquhar Group
Farquhar Group
Location of the Farquhar Group in the Indian Ocean
The Farquhar Group belong to the Outer Islands of the Seychelles, lying in the southwest of the island nation, more than 700 kilometres southwest of the capital, Victoria, on Mahé Isla


The total land area of all islands in the group is less than 11 km², but the total area of the atolls measures about 370 km².
The group consists of two atolls and one separate island. In addition, there is one separate submerged reef in the area:
  1. Farquhar Atoll (with two larger and about eight smaller islets)
  2. Providence Atoll (with 2 islets, Providence Island and Cerf Island)
  3. St. Pierre Island
  4. Wizard Reef (submerged)


There are only two settlements. The main settlement is on Île du Nord (North Island) of Farquhar Atoll, and the other one on Providence Island of Providence Atoll. There are records of Maldivian mariner presence in the group from the 20th century, when a trading vessel from southern Maldives lost its course and reached Providence Atoll.


The oonopid monotypic spider species Farqua quadrimaculata
is the only known spider that is endemic to the Farquhar Islands.  Almost out of info.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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