Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10, 2015 Monday #stress#laugh#racing#mobrule#

Get Fit
I did Abs of Steel this morning.  Nothing I do has been working to reduce my stomach.  The last thing I heard was it is stress.  Now that I can believe, so I am going to relax.  My niece Lindsey posts a lot of good info on exercising and dieting.  One post showed what a plate of food should look like.  It was half greens (salad) 1/4 carbs (rice) 1/4 protein (fish/meat).  It is a good standard to go by.  That. And relax.

Get Faith
Ecclesiastes 3:1,4  Most of us know this reading.  This study just mentions, there is a right time for everything: A time to laugh.  And the writer adds this.  Parenthood: that state of being better chaperoned than you were before marriage.  God also created our ability to laugh, to enjoy life and the world around us.

On this day;
1985 - We took Aaron and Nicole to the Offshore race in Grand Haven.  It was their first race and Nicole was only 2 1/2 months old.  Aaron was 7 and looked like he was at Disney Land.  I took the neighbor girl, Carol for an extra set of arms.  Mark was working the race or maybe racing.  Family time.
1792 - King Louis XVI was taken into custody by mobs during the French Revolution. He was executed the following January after being put on trial for treason. Mob rule still prevails.

I had always led a pretty exciting and fun life.  By the time I met Mark and had kids - his son Aaron and our Nicole, I was ready for family life.  I just felt that if we were still going to boat race it would be as a family.  The kids loved it and I didn't even miss the bar life.  I did note that Patrick and Norma were holding up the tradition on this year.  But sometimes we need a vacation from the kids, right?

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties

     Living conditions had changed with Adam of course getting preferential treatment with his own room he had the big bedroom up front.  Mom had one bedroom and Martin still slept in a crib in her room.   I shared a bedroom with Grandma, when she was there.  Quite often she would pack her single small suitcase and get on a bus to someone else’s house, or they would pick her up.  She spent the most time with us though
Netherlands Holland
The Netherlands in its entirety is often referred to by the much older designation "Holland" (meaning holt land, or wood land), though nowadays this strictly refers only to North and South Holland, two of the nation's twelve provinces, that were created out of the former County of Holland. This from origin Frankish county emerged from the dissolved Frisian Kingdom and was economically and politically the most important county in the region. Because of this importance, Holland often served as a metonym for the entire country. Referring to the Netherlands as Holland is an example of pars pro toto and is considered either incorrect[19][20] or informal,[21] depending on the context, but is more acceptable when referring to the national football team.[22] It is all relevant I guess - but stick to The Netherlands to be safe.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Anniversary to Aaron and Lisa

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