Saturday, August 1, 2015

August 1, 2015 Saturday #Believe#Facebook#oxygen#icecreammakes everythingbetter

Get Fit
Did a little weight lifting today, nothing compared to what I will see at the Scottish Games later today.  Those BIG guys tossing the caber, etc.  It is good for the soul. That and a beer.

Get Faith
1 Chronicles chapter 15 The resurrection.  "Where, O death, is your victory?  Where, O death, is your sting"  We believe that Christ was risen from the dead.  We also believe that in his life time he raised Lazarus and others from the dead.  We also know from the Bible that the disciples raised some from the dead.  If you know this than you know that you also will be raised from the dead.  The truth of the resurrection is the real story - everything else is support.  Believe and be saved.

On this day:
1968  - My mom and I went to visit my cousin Janet in Redford, where she lived with her husband and two daughters.  This is important because it is probably the only time I ever went to visit her.  She was my mom's sister's daughter.  She and her husband divorced and she moved out to California, not sure I remember the order of things, but she lives in Oregon now or Hawaii, depending on the season.  I am friends with her daughter on Facebook, so I see more of them then I ever did then.  I like social media!

1774 - Oxygen was isolated from air successfully by chemist Carl Wilhelm and scientist Joseph Priestly.  This probably has resurrected quite a few people over the years, and keeps them alive.

Some of our neighbors kids are not out all day, but come out at night and ride their bikes in the street in the dark.  It worries me, they will be hit by a car.  SO - do I go out and speak to the children and offer my advise nicely - or should I go to the parents home and speak to them?  I think I will try the kids first.  These kids are under 10 years old.  Maybe I will go out with ice cream bars, what do you think?  Creeper or helper?

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties pretty soon you will have to buy the book.

     On television in the beginning of the year started off with a lot of news about Cuba.  I guess it was a country real close to the United States so a lot of our armed forces were called to duty.  Some of the guys in my group were talking about how they were getting close to draft age.  That meant if their number came up they would be forced into the service.  I came from a family that believed that it was an honor to serve your country and that it was a great opportunity to travel and get an extended education.  If you decided to stay in you could make a living and a life being in the army and then get a nice pension and help buying a house when you got out.  Some guys saw it as a way to avoid jail time or a way to get out of the not great life they had. In 1961 it was still a pretty good deal if you could get through boot camp.  Not all of the guys I knew were in great shape.  But the wars came and the boys went, in bigger and bigger numbers. 
Netherlands Holland   We have moved here today!  Enjoy
The Netherlands (Listeni/ˈnɛðərləndz/; Dutch: Nederland [ˈneːdərˌlɑnt]) is the main constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a small, densely populated country located in Western Europe with three island territories in the Caribbean.[nb 1] The European part of the Netherlands borders Germany to the east, Belgium to the south, and the North Sea to the northwest, sharing maritime borders with Belgium, the United Kingdom and Germany.[9] The largest and most important cities in the Netherlands are Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam. Amsterdam is the country's capital,[10] while The Hague holds the Dutch seat of government and parliament.[11] The port of Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe – as large as the next three largest combined.[12] 
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Nan!

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