Saturday, August 8, 2015

August 8, 2015 Saturday #cleanse#peace#LoveIt#Europol

Get Fit
Going to clean house and self cleanse today.  Some days you have to be kind to yourself and this is one of them for me.

Get Faith
(Sharing from God's Little Devotional Book for Mom's) 
Proverbs 3:3  "let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck,  write them on the tablet of your heart." The writer adds "When Mother Teresa received her Nobel Prize, she was asked, "What can we do to promote world peace?"  She replied, "Go home and love your family."

On This Day:
1981  My racing friends and I were in Saugatuck.  The crew from Love It was racing and it was all very exciting. The 30' Catamaran hull had won several races and set a few speed records.  When the boats went out to Lake Michigan Lorna and I went out on a friends motor home with them to the beach to watch.  Not too far into the race Love It broke down, not unusual in off shore racing.  Lorna and I tried to get back to town - the local police said they would take us back.  So Lorna and I got into the back of the police car.  When they let us out in front of Coral Gables, Chuck was standing on the porch, white as a ghost.  Inside he asked me if I remembered I had his satchel in my purse.  "Oh yes, here, I said".  He glared at me.  Apparently he had some contraband in there - I was so naïve.

1844 - After the killing of Joseph Smith on June 27, Bringham Young was chosen to lead the Mormons. I should read this I know very little about the Mormon religion.

Is your house peaceful or full of drama, anxiety and confrontations?  When life pours over into your home life, it is time to get the broom or maybe the Bible and clean up your attitudes and remember to love each other and spend time unwinding.  Note what Mother Teresa said above.  It starts at home.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties
     In the summer my backyard seemed to be a hangout for lost boys.  Hoop de do and Hoop de dah, were both actually Timmy’s, I have no idea where we came up with those names.  Then there was Keith and Tom and Darrel.  Oh, and of course my best buddy, Dennis who was always around.  He was the oldest and usually had some old car that we could drive around in, if we could find $5.00 to fill up the gas tank.  We had some very deep conversations back there, about sex, music, sex, sports, other people, sex, going into the army, sex, well you get the picture.  I was (I thought) just one of the guys. The summer of 61 gave us a lot of insight.  Mom still says one of those boys was living in the garage and sleeping in the car.  We were all kind of misfits that only seemed to fit in with ourselves. 
     Del Shannon was singing Run Away.
Netherlands Holland
The Netherlands is a founding member of the EU, Eurozone, G-10, NATO, OECD and WTO, and a part of the trilateral Benelux economic union. The country is host to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and five international courts: the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the International Criminal Court and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. The first four are situated in The Hague, as is the EU's criminal intelligence agency Europol and judicial co-operation agency Eurojust. This has led to the city being dubbed "the world's legal capital".[16] The Netherlands is also a part of the Schengen Area  It is amazing what I don't know.  This is good information.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to Colleen

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