Wednesday, August 19, 2015

August 19, 2015 Wednesday #yoga#goodworks#Schiphol

Get Fit
AM yoga. 
   For yoga classes with Rachelle Boudry check her out on Google.

Get Faith
Galatians 6:9  "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."  Encouragement.  God is great at this, all through history we hear of people that never gave up doing the right thing and the world is a better place.  Take strength is all that have gone before, maybe in your own family.  Keep up the good work you will never regret it.  Imagine God's hand on your back gently pushing.

On this day
2009 -  I decided to try on  line dating and had signed up with  I met many guys for drinks and they were all very nice and gentlemanly, but they were looking for serious commitments and I as usual was looking for a friend.  So I quit.  I don't know what I thought I was going to achieve.

1856 - Gail Borden received a patent for his process of condensing milk by vacuum. This was a good thing to do!  Think of all the milk we drink.

I love the movie Pay it Forward.  It embodies the good in the human spirit.  Make a difference day is a good practice that someone started a few years ago.  I challenged my Sunday school students to come back the next week and tell me what they had done for someone else, not for pay and they we discussed how that made them feel.  Nothing they hadn't heard before but it is always a good thing to remind them of.  Let's hear it for the 30,000 youth that went into Detroit last month and cleaned up neighborhoods, etc.  I know they felt good about their works.  How about just asking your elderly neighbor if they need something from the store?

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties
It seemed though that I enjoyed being the street tough that I had become, but every night, when I got in bed, Joey came to comfort me, hold me in his arms, and tell me to be careful who I got close to. He was my daddy and would always be there for me. He gave me love before Grandma came in and got into bed, and I would fall asleep exhausted. Sometimes, he looked like Wolf or sometimes Ricky,  but he showed up when I needed him.
Amsterdam Airport

Officially known by the name Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, this airport is of great importance in Europe. It is an international airport found in the Netherlands and is located twenty minutes from Amsterdam city and approximately nine miles south-west of the center of Amsterdam in Haarlemmermeer municipality. This is an international airport connecting to many notable European airports. It is the home base for many intercontinental airlines such as KLM, Arkefly, Transavia, Amsterdam Airlines and Martinir.

The name of the airport, Schiphol, was derived from a former fortification called Fort Schiphol which was part of the Stelling van Amsterdam defense works.  Before 1852 there was a large lake at the Haarlemmermeer polder where the airport now lies. The shallow waters of the lake would often experience sudden violent storms which claimed many ships. Indeed this was the reason why the lake was reclaimed. Schiphol translates to ‘Ship grave’ in English, referring to the many ships that were lost in the area.  I will be here a couple hours on Friday.
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Barb O.!

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