Wednesday, August 12, 2015

August 12, 2015 Wednesday #Core#listen#busy#truth#nomedia

Get Fit
I did some Pilates this morning - core strengthening.  Lindsey posted a great piece on How You are Sabotaging your Morning Workout. by Jenny Sugar if you are wondering as I did.

Get Faith
Proverbs 1:5 - "Let the wise listen"  Do you think that this means having your children listen to you?  That might be the problem.  I have found that listening to people is much more informative than what I have to say.   The Bible tells us repeatedly that God hears the pleas and prayers of his people - go ahead and talk to Him, He is listening.

On this day:
1989 - I was busy - working on the offshore newsletter - which was a full time job and planning a play at church for an intergenerational evening at church, plus I had a houseful of neighbor kids.  I love being busy, still.  How about you?  Do you plan on doing something everyday or wait and see if something comes up?  I'm planning on yard work today, but you can never tell.

1877 - Thomas Edison invented the phonograph and made the first sound recording. Thank you Tom!  Read my book.

Have you taught your child the importance of truth and honesty?  I watched a bit on TV this morning about a young man that downloaded someone else's resume to get a job.  He confided to people in a restaurant about his bogus resume and then met with the employer at the table next to them.  The key was to find out if those people would say anything.  Only one group of 4 ladies my age told the employer about what the young man told them.  Two lessons here - if you are a thief, keep your mouth shut and for sure never tell "your mother" about it.  But then your mother probably was ok with it.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties
     “Gram, you still have your pearls and hat on” I would exclaim, knowing she would issue a whole lot of Gaelic that I couldn’t understand. 
     Another time I left a line of shoes across the floor.  Now you might think this a cruel trick but I knew she would never, with her heavy sliding gait, trip over those shoes.  She flipped on the overhead bedroom light and looked at the trap I had set for her.  She looked lovingly at me, shook her head and threatened me with some never fulfilled promise of a beating.  I think she loved the game we played and set me up as much as I did her.  She was from a generation and place that always wore a dress and pearls, wouldn’t think of going on the bus downtown without gloves and always wore good walking shoes. Oh, and the hat held in place with a giant hat pin that she waved at me in warning.  I was a different girl with Grandma than I was with my friends or even my mother. 
Netherlands Holland

North Holland
South Holland
Holland is situated in the west of the Netherlands. A maritime region, Holland lies on the North Sea at the mouths of the Rhine and the Meuse (Maas). Never hear too much about this place.  They are smart, they probably keep a tight rein on their media.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Brian!

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