Thursday, August 6, 2015

August 6, 2015 Thursday #eathealthy#Godhasyourback#carseats#Alleyoop#utopia?

Get Fit  This is a great link to healthy eating shared by my niece Lindsey!  Getting fit includes eating well, as you know.  I also did a little ring Pilates with Kim this morning but still wanting to fit more walking into my routine.  How are you doing with your health plan?

Get Faith
Psalm 9:10  Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.    The writer here says, "As a mother, my job is to take care of the possible and trust God with the impossible."  I feel bad for Mom's that don't have this back up.

On this day:
1980 - my ex-husband Don called me and took me out to lunch.  I think I saw him a few times after this, but he still loved his bikes and I had gone in a different direction.  Too bad, he was hot.

1939 - Dinah Shore started her own show on the NBC Blue radio network who doesn't remember Dinah singing "See the USA in your Chevrolet" ? oh maybe anyone under 60.

The God's Little Devotional Book that I m sharing from relates a story on this day about an American woman driving in the European mountains with their child in the back seat.  The child cried and cried to come up in the front to sit with them and she almost let her, but thought better just seconds before an accident happened that would have probably taken the child's life had it been in the front seat.  She was the initial power behind mandatory child seats in cars. Go Mom's!

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties
     Then the teacher announced that we were the next group up on the list, Judy and Carol popped right up, so I had no choice.  Of all the songs out, like Where the Boys Are by Connie Francis or This is Dedicated to the One I Love by the Shirelles.  Why did I suggest this?
     We sang Alley Oop by the Hollywood Argyles.
Netherlands Holland
The Netherlands was one of the first countries in the world to have an elected parliament, and since 1848 it has been governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy, organised as a unitary state. The Netherlands has a long history of social tolerance and is generally regarded as a liberal country, having legalised abortion, prostitution and euthanasia, while maintaining a progressive drugs policy. In 2001 it became the world's first country to legalise same-sex marriage. wow!
Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday to David, Heidi, and Jessie(Jack)

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