Friday, August 14, 2015

August 14, 2015 Friday #retired#purpose#Twister#friends#creeper#daytour

Get Fit
Did some weights with Denise this morning.  I think many people save the workout for the weekend, I like the more peaceful walking for my Saturday workout, but then I'm retired.  Sorry.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 1:5  "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart: I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."  God was obviously talking to Jeremiah, but he has a plan for you also, maybe you just don't know it yet.  Stay open to opportunities to share life and make it better for someone else.  To everything a purpose.

On this day;
1996  Nicole had another friend by the name of Joe, he lived around the block and was here a lot of the time.  So, when we decided to go to the show that night I of course had Joe check with his Mom and took him with us.  We saw Twister.  I swear, if I knew that it was going to be on television a million times I would never have paid to see it.  It was a good movie - the first time.

1248 - The rebuilding of the Cologne Cathedral in Cologne, Germany, began after being destroyed by fire.
1880 - The Cologne Cathedral in Cologne, Germany was completed after 632 years of rebuilding. wow

I love my friends and I love that when Nicole got home after being away at camp all summer, her two oldest friends came and sat out in the driveway all evening chatting.  It just seems so normal to see Nicole, Craig and Jameson, sitting in the driveway laughing and talking like they have for 25 years.
I think it is important for kids to have life time friends, so think about your kids going to a school close to home and a church so that as they get older they can be in charge of which friends they choose to hang with, and hope you have taught them well. 

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties
     When the summer came School Is Out  by Gary US Bonds was playing on the transistor radio as  Carol, Judy and I walked along the street.  We were still young enough to be silly and dance and sing at the top of our lungs, until we saw a cute guy looking at us.  Then we morphed right into those sullen, white lipsticked girls that prowled the streets.   We had silk scarfs tied over our ratted hair, capri length tight pants and white Ked tennis shoes, although Lord knows WE never played tennis.  Not when anyone was looking.   With all that free time you would think our parents would worry about their young daughters being out on the streets, it wasn’t the same then, but occasionally one creep would show up.
Netherlands Holland

Skip the Line: Van Gogh Museum and Rijksmuseum Tour Including Amsterdam Canals Lunch Cruise, ... 

Skip the Line: Van Gogh Museum and Rijksmuseum Tour Including Amsterdam Canals Lunch Cruise

Enjoy a full day of Amsterdam’s outstanding art, culture and scenery with this museum tour and canal cruise combo. Avoid the lines and gain skip-the-line ...  Read more
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Duration: 7 hours (approx.)
From USD $104.81   Let's go here today!!!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable  Happy Birthday Waynette!  Maddy! Nan and Vera!

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