Saturday, August 15, 2015

August 15, 2015 Saturday #walk#acceptance#themitt#creeper#VanGogh

Get Fit
Took a nice early morning walk around the neighborhood.

Get Faith
Romans 15:7  "Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God."
Acceptance, I think, is one of the greatest things you can do for another.  To accept someone as they are is to say - you are okay, just the way you are.  The normal outcome of this behavior is for that person to feel better about themselves and strive to be better yet maybe.  God wants you to know, He accepts you as you are AND He knows who you are and loves you.

On this day
1998 - Nicole and I were in the upper peninsula.  We woke up in Copper Harbor, went into a copper mine, and then drove down to Iron Mountain and over to Manistique where we spent the night.  We have tried to drive the entire shoreline of Michigan and have almost succeeded, but not together.  It is truly a beautiful state - you should go see it!  By the Banks of Gitchegoomie (spl)  Nicole and I tried to commit this to memory, haha.

1057 - Macbeth, the King of Scotland, was killed by the son of King Duncan. Important info for our trip to Scotland this week, we leave Friday.

The writer from the devotional I am using told a story of Samuel Blackwell whose children were barred from public school.  He and his wife homeschooled the children who went on to become doctors, teachers, journalist and in general had successful lives.  I have to quote a well used line here - "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade".  For more information read Samuel Blackwell's story.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties has gone to final print the book will be out by Sept 15.
       One day after she had been to my house, I was walking Judy back to Curtis and as we turned to wave goodbye I noticed a pink Cadillac with the big fins turned the corner and stopped.  He leaned across the front seat and threw the door open.  I thought it was someone I knew, or he was looking for directions, but no, he didn’t have any pants on and had a giant erection.  I went to the lawn above the sidewalk and started my best track star running.  It was 2 blocks to my house and as I got closer I could see my brother sitting on the front porch.  I started yelling to him about the car and he must have got the message.  He jumped up and ran to his car in the front of the house.  The pink Cadillac guy saw him and squealed tires past our house.  Adam took off too, but didn’t catch him.  My mom took me to the police station to look at mug shots but they didn’t have a picture of what I saw of the guy.  I think they later traced the “noticeable” car to the guy and I believe he had priors, so I never had to go to court to identify it.
Netherlands Holland
Van Gogh Museum Ticket in Amsterdam, Amsterdam    Lets go here today!  See some Van Gogh!

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Kay! and Michelle!

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