Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 9, 2015 Sunday #row!#Mom#excess#bowling#happy!

Get Fit
I have a friend that used to row.  That is obviously good exercise judging by the imitation rowers on the market.  Sunday would be a perfect day to get a rowboat and enjoy nature and get some exercise at the same time.  Who do I know with a rowboat? or kayak?  Judy.

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 6:16  "I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be my people."  Most people, the lucky ones to have a mom, dad or someone who truly cares for them know the peace that comes with going home.  Just being in the presence of someone who loves you more than life itself is a blessing.  God also waits for us and loves us more than life itself.

On This Day:
1983 - My cousin Kathy, sister Alice and I went to a wedding shower for my cousin Dan and his bride to be Lynn, at my cousin Earl and Donna's house.  This year the shower is for their daughter, but because of location and years we don't get invited anymore.  I love social media for this reason, I can see the offspring of my cousins and follow their lives, and I have a lot of cousins so I don't mind missing a few showers, but I wish them the best of everything life has to offer.

1893 - "Gut Holz" was published. It was America's first bowling magazine. I know gut is good, but is holz -holes?  Too important a fact to pass up today.

I wonder if showers for weddings are going to go away.  Most everyone getting married, anymore, has been living in their own place and already has everything they need.  Excess seems like, well, excess.  Maybe a new idea would be to just contribute to their retirement account for a wedding shower present.  I do understand that in some economic situations - it is nice to get that toaster!.  "It's a toaster!"  oh wrong movie. 

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties 
     Even though the home life was not the same, I didn’t run away.  That was just a fantasy.  My grandmother had moved in with us, to watch us kids and keep the house while Mom worked two 40 hour shifts at Federals.  The minimum wage was $1.00 an hour, so she worked as much as she could.  She tried to get home for dinner with us every day, but it didn’t always work. 
Netherlands Holland
The Netherlands has a market-based mixed economy, ranking 17th of 177 countries according to the Index of Economic Freedom.[17] It had the thirteenth-highest per capita income in the world in 2013 according to the International Monetary Fund. In 2013, the United Nations World Happiness Report ranked the Netherlands as the fourth happiest country in the world, reflecting its high quality of life.[18]
How about that!?

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!    Happy birthday Jennifer!

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