Thursday, August 20, 2015

August 20, 2015 Thursday #circuit#example

Get Fit
Worked out with Jillian.  Tried to go the limit as I will be out of my gym (living room) for the next week or so.  I did make it through 2 full circuits, which, if you have worked out with her is an achievement - I think.

Get Faith
Titus 2:4  ''they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children"  Being a mother is not always about having children as this study writer says.  She relates a story about Rachel Carson who while taking in family members to care for, wrote books, one of which is Silent Spring, about saving the world from pesticides.  She is accredited to be "mother of the age of ecology". 

On this day
2010  I had a young man staying at my home for awhile.  I wanted so much to help him straighten out for himself and his family.  On this day he took off on my daughters expensive bike with her laptop while I was out at the store.  I was able to catch up with him and got the items back, but it was a stressful day.  He is still on my prayer list daily.

2010 - The last American combat brigade exited Iraq after more than seven years after the U.S.-led invasion began. At least this war was over. kind of.

There are some cases where parents are at a loss to help/fix a child.  As in the above case, he had been an abused baby -adopted and raised by a great family, extended family, church and assisted by loving people all around.  He still can't manage to get his life together.  Anybody got a magic potion?  I gave him groceries this week hoping to keep him alive till he comes into his own.

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties 
On July 25, US president John F. Kennedy gave a widely watched TV speech on the Berlin crisis, warning “we will not be driven out of Berlin.” Kennedy urged Americans to build fallout shelters, setting off a four-month debate on civil defense. It always struck me funny to see a lady with an apron and housedress on carrying canned food to the underground room. It looked cozy, clean, and comfortable in case of war.
Netherlands Holland

Reference Information Pages

  • EU Factsheets: Living & Working in the Netherlands

    Information directly from the European Union on the practical aspects of moving to and living in the Netherlands: residency, finding a home, a school and a job, Dutch social security and more.
  • Same-Sex Marriage & Registered Partnerships in the Netherlands

    Dutch law allows same-sex couples the same marriage, legal, and inheritance rights as those afforded to couples in traditional union. Other official partnerships include Registered Partnerships and Cohabitation Contracts.
  • Bringing up Toddlers in the Netherlands

    Everything for parents with young children living in the Netherlands: with information on health matters, child benefits and childcare.
  • Special Needs Education in the Netherlands

    In depth information about the provisions for children with special needs: details on education, benefits, carer's allowances and getting about in the Netherlands.
  • Residence Permits in the Netherlands

    Information for EU citizens and non-EU (US, Australian) on the Dutch residency permit: Who needs what, where to go, how to make the application and the documentation required.
  • anything you want to know?
Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Rebekah! 

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