Tuesday, August 4, 2015

August 4, 2015 Tuesday #yogapm#Mom#published#lowcountries

Get Fit
Saw a post from a friend that said she does yoga before bed every night.  What a great idea to stretch out those tired muscles and relax so that you can get a good nights sleep!  Try it!

Get Faith
Proverbs chapter 23 vs 22  " Listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.  "  Good advice to go with the fourth commandment Honor your father and mother.  Good to remember.

On this day:
1977 - After work I went to Pete's mom and dads house.  Tatjiana and Erich had just returned back from Germany - it was their last trip there.  I feel it is important to remember this because none of that family is alive anymore and I don't know anyone that this would be important to, but me.  We had pizza to celebrate their safe arrival home.  RIP

1977 - U.S. President Carter signed the measure that established the Department of Energy. I guess it was one of those forgettable days in news too.

Even bad parents can raise good kids.  You see it everyday.  Most parents want something better for their kids, want them to achieve more than they did.  I know I did.  I wanted Nicole and Aaron to have a happy stable home life, raised in the faith, the love of extended family and an education.  It is my greatest joy that they both had this, that and my book getting published. :)

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties soon.
     Mom had a big party for me to celebrate.  My friends and I, despite the skipping out of class and Pastor warning us about our attitude problems and asking us if we were getting anything out of our religious training, actually became members of Holy Cross Missouri Synod Lutheran church.  It may seem like it didn’t sink in, but along the way, in those dark times, I remembered.  My faith was a little mustard seed, but it was there.   
Netherlands Holland
The Netherlands' name literally means "Low Countries", influenced by its low land and flat geography, with only about 50% of its land exceeding one metre above sea level.[13] Most of the areas below sea level are man-made. Since the late 16th century, large areas (polders) have been reclaimed from the sea and lakes, amounting to nearly 17% of the country's current land mass. Sounds like the New Orleans of  Europe. 
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  happy Birthday Pamela S.!

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