Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 5, 2015 Wednesday #linedancing#doasIsay#user#seedoasIsay#food

Get Fit
This may be the oldest exercise video I still have.  Denise Austin "Kicken with country".  A mild cardio workout and fun.  Maybe I can start sending some of my niece Lindseys info on here - it is more up to date.

Get Faith
Psalm 32:8  "I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye."  I like this from God's Little devotional book for Mom's.  The writer adds this;  Train your child the way in which you know you should have gone yourself.  And this; If you want to impact the course of a life.... start at birth!

On this day:
1979 - I was dating a guy that was friends with a wealthy guy that left his tab open to his friends to use at the bar, even when he wasn't there - I guess.  This Jim and I went to the bar this evening and that's when I heard him say "put it on Kenny's tab".  That was the last time I went out with him.  There is something wrong with that scenario - having someone else pay for your drinks when they aren't even there.

1861 - The U.S. federal government levied its first income tax. The tax was 3% of all incomes over $800. The wartime measure was rescinded in 1872.  This seems reasonable.

As I was getting in bed last night I heard kids outside yelling and playing and having a good time.  For a second I thought, who lets their kids play outside this late at night?  I fell right asleep.  It was only 10.  Today I remembered some summer nights when we spent the evening and into the nights in the yard with neighbors and kids too - it is summer.  How will they ever see fire flies?

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties (out by the second week of September)
      I did find the nerve to stand up in the last week of eighth grade in front of the class with Judy and Carol for a talent show in music class.  I had gone through my closet a dozen times looking for just the right outfit to wear.  I finally decided on a plaid pleated skirt in a light blue and yellow color with a three quarter length sleeve, white blouse with a round collar.  I was old enough to wear nylons with a garter belt and then put on white Ked tennis shoes.   I wore my hair in a not quite shoulder length page boy with bangs. It was a dirty dish water blond color.  At that time I hadn’t started wearing any makeup.  Judy and Carol and I had been practicing for weeks to perform on this day and I was really excited about it.  It might have been the last uncool thing I ever did. (right)
Netherlands Holland
With a population density of 407 people per km² – 500 if water is excluded – the Netherlands is a very densely populated country for its size. Only Bangladesh, South Korea, and Taiwan have both a larger population and a higher population density. Nevertheless, the Netherlands is the world's second-largest exporter of food and agricultural products, after the United States.[14][15] This is due to the fertility of the soil and the mild climate.  I found this interesting - second-largest exporter of food and agricultural products, after the U.S
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

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